Keeping Secrets

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"Have you ever had to walk home in the rain before?" Walsh asks while standing beside you, holding out an umbrella.
"No, my parents gave me rides." Your face contorts at the mention of your parents. Closing your eyes, you breathe out slowly in order to not burst into tears. Walsh holds an open umbrella above your head, and begins walking.
"Sorry, I didn't bring the car, I thought it'd cause a scene to have a police vehicle drive to the middle school and pick you up." his footsteps splash water on impact with the soaked street. you struggle to keep up with his pace.
"I understand, you picked the good choice. The other kids don't need to know about..." You stop. You're trying to reassure yourself that this was all okay, but only Walsh thought you were as strong as you were letting out. At least he was treating you like another grown up instead of babying you through this.
"You're right they don't need to know. But the school year is almost over, then we can find you a permanent place to call home." Walsh's voice rarely held sympathy, this wasn't one of those softhearted moments. He doesn't look down at you for longer than a few moments, then he stares at the horizon again.

Its like a faithful knight, told to watch a random peasant girl.

You weren't a prized jewel nor an important person; You weren't even giving him anything in return for his services, he was there because he was told to watch you. And he was protecting you as if a personal bodyguard.
"I don't mind things this way. I'd rather be with you then any distant relative." You mutter as you readjust your backpack.
"Legally I can't just adopt you, you know that."
"I know... Still doesn't mean I want to."
"You'll only have to wait five years until you can legally move out, and only three until you can legally get a job."
"I know. Heh, but whats with you and saying 'legally' so much today?" You flash Walsh a side glance and smirk. His eyes widen, then he breaks gaze to scratch his head.
"Habit I guess, but all I said was true."
"Once a loyal cop, always a loyal cop. You are the best at what you do."
"Once a kiss-up, always a kiss-up. Thats what my fabulous detective skills tell me." Walsh pats your head, chuckling. Playful banter made this scenario less depressing. And you smile back at him, feeling the rain run off your face.

(Your POV)

The rain was heavy and pulls your hair, flattening it against the sides of your face. You are angry, no you are absolutely pissed. Lifting you hands towards the clouds, you feel powerful and in short terms... You feel bad-ass.
You scale the tree out front quickly, then take off running. You kick up mud and grass while sprinting across the lawn. The rain was cool, the air warm, and the smell of ocean was strongest mixed with the fresh rain.
It felt like the scene from a movie, where worlds rain at every sad moment. And damn did it feel great.
'Run, run, run! I'm finally leaving and theres no going back.' Your mind races almost as fast as your feet. Where were you running? Where would you go? No one could help you now, would you run only because of the rush in the moment to prove this a tantrum?
'I will change my life, things will be better.' Your pace slows. Tears mixed with the rain fall off your face, but you weren't choking up.
'I have to play big girl now, I'm all alone. Even when I though I was alone there was always someone I could turn to, even if it had to be my laptop.' This was the first time you were completely on your own. That sounds nicer than becoming the slave to drunks.

So you run.

You shake the rain off your face as you adjust your backpack. Breathing heavily, you check your surroundings.
'This isn't near the house is it?' You scan the area, it was simply a suburb neighborhood. It looks similar to the area where 'Nama does her shopping.
'Im not far enough. If they call the police with missing photos of me claiming kidnap or something along those lines, then they'll find me if I stay in the area. I have to get to another town.'
"Last train will be arriving shortly." a woman's voice echoes robotically through the rain. It was the train station's announcer.
'Last train of the night... I should get on it. If I just ride until it stops then I can make it pretty far away from here.' With somewhat of plan, you kick the mud at your feet, sprinting towards the station. Each train was about fifteen minutes apart but become more spaced the later it gets.
'I have about twenty minutes, then.' Luckily you always had your wallet on your persona, carrying what little cash you had after you lost your job. You walk up to the ticket machine, inserting the cash in exchange for a one-way pass.
'One-way... I'm actually really scared now. At first this was exhilarating, I felt like I had no other choice. But now I feel like I did the wrong thing.' You shuffle your feet toward one of the benches, thinking to yourself how weird it would be to not have anyone in your life. Like, if you do this then theres no chance for you to live.
'No! I will fix my life. First, train. Then find some kind of home and job. Things will be fine.' You cross your fingers secretly. Hoping with all your heart that it really will... be okay.

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