Water under the bridge

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Note: You get the chapter a day early cause I'm about to leave on a trip! Yay!

I hope it's not too dramatic, I wrote this a while back and it seemed quite dramatic to me, but now that I'm looking back at it and relating it to my own experiences as a Real Live Teenager, I don't think it's that bad. Maybe? I've never broken up with someone, or...whatever happened last chapter.

And please don't worry, I promise things won't be sad for very long. I can actually tell you that for certain because I've kinda planned the whole thing out, which I never do, but since I've had this for so long (literally for more than a year I've had the title and first few chapters in place) I think I have it more under control than usual. Maybe...

A knock at the door. Nya ran a hand through her hair, hoping she looked presentable. To say she hadn't slept well the night before was an understatement. She held her breath as she opened the door, and sighed with relief when she found it was only the mailman. Maybe he would have a note from one of her past clients, telling her how wonderful their life was with their soulmate, and how thankful they were to her. That was just what she needed to remind herself why this job, this legacy was important.

"Good afternoon." The mailman said, bowing slightly.

"Good afternoon." Nya said. "Thank you for coming all the way out here."

"Well, it's my job, you know." He said, laughing. "And besides, I've got something special for ya." He handed her a small bouquet. "G'day." Then he went back to his bicycle and pedaled away.

"Thank you." Nya called after him, her voice quivering. For she had realized who the bunch of flowers must be from. They were beautiful, sure–small and blue. Oh, dear. She knew these flowers. They were forget-me-nots.

To her horror, she felt the sob rise in her chest, and before she knew it she was running inside and quickly shutting the door as the tears ran down her face. Why, why, why had she become so emotional lately? She was lonely, and sad, but also she was furious. Furious that fate could be so cruel, that no one had prepared her for this, that she was so terribly in love, and that he had remembered about these most special flowers. The flowers that symbolized her remembrance of her parents, of Mei Tao, of her old, carefree life. And love. The one thing she could never truly have.

It was as if he was saying, Now you have another lost thing to remember. Well, she didn't think it was quite fair. It wasn't her fault. Well . . . not exactly. She couldn't do anything about it . . . unless . . .

It's impossible, she reminded herself, as she often did now. And besides, she had done it–she'd gotten rid of him. He probably hated her now, after all. And she shouldn't mind. She didn't need friends, or a boyfriend. She couldn't have a normal life. Her destiny was to help others find their soulmates. But she herself must live alone just like Mei Tao had for so many years, before she came along.

I must find the next mage, too, she thought. If I'm not here, she'll never learn to control the threads. Who knows what might happen.

Nya didn't like to think of the next mage, living all alone here once she was gone. And would she tell her this horrible secret of hers? That she, too, had a soulmate? That she wanted so badly to leave this life?

Before she'd met Jay, she had always been, well, not exactly happy, but content, at least. But now . . . it was as if she'd come out of a dream. Only now did she truly realize how unfair this all was. Sure, she had been lonely as a child, living here, even when Mei Tao was alive. But she'd always just been grateful that she had somewhere to go at all, after her parents disappeared.

Her parents. That was another thing–ever since she'd been home, and then she'd told Jay about them during the storm, she'd thought about them more. What would they tell her to do? And more importantly, were they still even alive?

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