Can't start a fire without a spark

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Note: I'm really sorry it's been so long since I've updated this. I haven't forgotten, just had a couple extra busy weeks. A lot of (good) things have been happening in real life, and I haven't had much time to write. 

Also, just so you know, I think we should be getting close (ish) to the end of this story. Although every time I write a chapter it gets super long and I don't get as far with the story as I thought I would. Speaking of which, this one is pretty chill plot-wise, fyi. And with that, enjoy!

When she'd decided to come and speak directly to the royal family of the Northern Empire, Nya hadn't exactly expected that the first one she'd be speaking to would be six years old. But that afternoon, while Kai, Cole, Zane, and Jay unpacked, rested, and washed up (something they particularly needed to do), Nya, former thread-mage of the Serpent Kingdom, sweetheart of a wheelwright's son, and sixteen-year-old girl, had tea with Skylor, orphaned daughter of some kind of criminal and lady of the court, and Lloyd, her small friend, prince of the Empire.

The other two were already at the table when Nya arrived, as she had taken time to make a quick attempt to bathe.

"Your highness." She bowed to the prince, who giggled.

"You have funny hair." He told her when she straightened up.

"Manners, please." Skylor warned.

"I'm sorry." He did look apologetic.

"I know, it is funny." Nya agreed, sitting down and taking a sip of the tea that Skylor had already poured into the cups. "I have to wear it this way 'cause I'm the thread-mage–do you know what that means?"

He shook his head solemnly.

"It means I can tell people's futures–I think."

"Have you tried?"

"Of course. But . . . I'm not sure if it'll still work."


"Well, it's complicated–" Nya was regretting bringing this up. She didn't really want to explain to either of them how she wasn't sure if people outside of the Serpent Kingdom even had red threads, and if even if they did, what if she couldn't read them now that she'd left? Or now that she'd told people about her and Jay–

"You can try on me later." Skylor said, coming to her rescue.

Nya nodded. "Um, your highness, if you don't mind my asking, are your father and uncle at home?"

"Uncle will be gone for two more days. And father . . ." He shrugged. "He's been busy with his advisors." He pronounced the word slowly. "In the upper palace. So I don't know. Do you know, Sky?"

"I'll speak to him if I can." Skylor said. "But where's your uncle?"

"He's away, training his . . . his s-sam-"

"Samurai. You mean the girl?" Skylor asked, sounding annoyed. Suddenly Nya felt quite lost in the conversation.

"Yes. She came here a lot, after you left."

"Anyway." Skylor turned back to Nya. "I'll try to get an audience for you and your friends as soon as possible. The emperors are very busy, you must understand. They will make time as soon as they can, I'm sure."

Nya nodded. "Thank you."


"Who's 'the girl?'" Nya asked Skylor when they had finished the tea, sent Lloyd along to his mother, and were wandering around the palace.


"Who the emperor is training. The prince was talking about her earlier."

Skylor wrinkled her nose. "Oh, her. I don't know, she's very secretive. But he's always with her, trains her all the time. Especially recently. Who knows where she came from–I've never seen any parents of hers. She's almost never here for more than a day or so, but she does have a room in . . . let's see, I think the southwest wing."

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