So, I guess all the rumors are true

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Note: This is another long one! I'm having a bit of a problem coming up with satisfying endings to chapters. And chapter names. And of course the solution is long chapters... At least we're back to the normal posting day! 

Cole stepped protectively in front of the others. "Who are you? Reveal yourself."

"Relax. I'm not gonna hurt you unless you hurt me first."

The figure walked slowly towards them, holding her hands before her. It was hard to make out details in the dim light of the dusky forest, but Nya guessed from her voice that she was a woman, and not very old, perhaps even close to her own age. She was dressed well, but strangely, in a black velvet cloak lined with wine red satin, a scarlet bandana over the bottom half of her face, and russet orange silk underneath.

"What are you doing around here at this hour?" Zane asked, still cautious.

"I was coming to get you, but it seems you beat me to it. I helped bring a little girl to the doctors in Ninjago City, and she kept insisting that her father's friend would need me to bring him across. Her family had been brought across by another guide, I suppose. We're trying to go often, since the tunnel is getting more and more obvious. Soon I'll have to tell someone back at the palace, get them to send a guard in case your queen finds out. Doubt the other guides will be happy with me, but we can't have an invasion."

"Don't worry, the Queen spends most of her time shut up at home, watching as we all suffer." Cole informed her bitterly.

"Oh, I'm sure of it." She slowly dropped her hands. "So, do you believe me? You do need to get to the palace, don't you?"

Cole looked back at the rest of them–first to Nya, who shrugged, then to Jay, who nodded quickly. Zane nodded too, but more cautiously, and Kai still stood with his arms crossed.

Cole nodded. "I guess we take your word–for now. You had better know the way, or this won't turn out pretty."

"Don't worry, I can handle it." She answered coldly, her cloak swishing as she turned. They all scrambled to make sure they had their things and followed after.

Kai caught up with her first. "So, what's your name?"

"Oh, wouldn't you like to know?" Her unseen smirk showed in her voice, and she walked faster. "What's yours?"

"I'm not telling you! And if you try any funny stuff, lady, I swear–"

"Kai, please, be nice to our guide." Nya said innocently, catching up to him.

"And who is this young lady, Kai?" The girl asked pointedly.

"My sister. The Serpent Kingdom's famed thread-mage." He answered, disgruntled, falling back with the other boys.

Nya watched the other girl carefully. Surely she realized what the reward could be for bringing her back to where she belonged.

"I've heard of you." She finally said. "What brings you here?"

"Injustice." Nya wasn't ready to say more than that. "Same as all of us."

The girl nodded. "Makes sense."

"I wish there was something more we could do about it." Nya admitted. "I know there's only a few of us, but if we could free the rest of our kingdom–"

"Maybe you can." The girl said. "Maybe the emperors would help you."

"You really think so?" Nya couldn't help but hope.

"I said maybe. But they do hate her. Their father was at odds with hers, hundreds of years ago. For good reason, too. Your queen comes from a long, noble line. And her family is different, to be sure. Evil to the bone."

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