feburary 17/18

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So there I was, in my social studies class like usual except my math teacher was teaching it and my friends Eeb and Zoib were there. Me Eeb and Zoib decided to have a competition based on who could slide across the carpet floor best because we were all done with our schoolwork for the day. I went first, I was so good at sliding across the carpet that the friction from my shoes made the world tilt. But don't worry, it went back into place after a little bit. My math/social studies teacher said, "alright, maybe yall should stop." We didn't stop. Eeb went second, their slide was even better because it turned the earth completely upside down. (According to a prophecy from long long ago, once the earth turned upside down the apocalypse would start) so then the apocalypse started. And it was all Eeb's fault.

I don't really remember what happened next probably because I was in a coma for 3 years lol.

So then after I woke up from my coma I discovered that all my friends and family had died in the apocalypse. So I went to go live with this random ass dude from my school. But he was married.
I didn't really like him or his wife so I went to go find my school librarian who was still alive.
He was organizing a valentine's day party with all the people he knew that were still alive and everyone was trading valentine's gifts. I quickly pulled out the valentine's day cards from 3 years ago that were still in my pocket and gave them out to everyone. And everyone started singing Your Song by Elton John for some reason.

It had been around a month and I was working on building a time machine so I could go back in time and make it so that the apocalypse never happened. When I was finished I hopped in and hoped for the best.
I accidentally went back too far and ended up going to the year 1987. And I met my 16 year old emo father.

When I went back to the present I had messed up the timeline so much that I was somehow the Princess of England.

The end.

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