my friend's jerk boyfriend

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Me and my friend were walking to school but what we didn't know is that the school had been renovated over spring break so we were very confused on which class to go to and where they were.

This lanky, extremely hot, dude come up to us (specifically Zoob) and asks if we're lost. After escorting us to class he asks Zoob out and to my surprise, she says yes (she's omni with a preference of women so we were all confused)‽‽‽


We are on a LARPing field trip to this theater built in 1812. My dad decides to chaperone. Zoob and her boyfriend are going as a couple.

Zoob's boyfriend goes up to my father during the intermission and starts to talk with him. I am also there because at this point I don't realize he's a total jerkwad. He and my dad drift topics from art to politics to money. Uh oh, money.

Zoob's boyfriend starts giving my father advise on saving money. Little does he know, we have none to save. My father tries to explain to him that we're poor but he doesn't quite understand.

Soon, my father and Zoob's boyfriend start arguing. Lucky for me, the argument ends with zoob's boyfriend saying "Well, I make $192,000 annually so you should be able to save some money if you're anything like me."

I ran up several flights of stairs so nobody would see me crying. Zoob was up there from the beginning and asked why I was crying. I said she wouldn't understand and that he would tell her.

The end.

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