Indigo League Part 1

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Indigo League Part 1: Mr. Goodshow & Reunion

The gang we're getting ready to go to the Indigo Plateau for the Indigo League

"Are you sure you have to go, the Indigo League doesn't start until next week" Delia said

"I know, but I wanted get there early, so I wouldn't be late for the Indigo Plateau Conference" Ash said

"Well, you know what they say; better safe than sorry" Delia said

"Thank you for helping us train, Mom" Ash said

"You're welcome, be sure to do your best, Ok?" Delia said as she hugged him

"Ok, we'll see you later" Ash said

"Thanks for letting us stay, Mrs. Ketchum." Serena said

"You're welcome, be sure to stay safe." Delia said

"We will." Brock said as he, Ash, & Serena left

"How do we get to the Indigo Plateau?" Serena asked

"We have to head to Viridian City, then turn left to Route 22 where the Pokémon League Reception Gate is. After I check in at the gate, we pass through Route 23 & Victory Road, & there we are." Ash said looking at his Rotom Phone.

When they arrived at the Pokémon League Reception Gate

"Hello, how may I help you?" The desk man said

"I'm here to compete in the Indigo Plateau Conference." Ash said

"Very well, put your Rotom Phone on the scanner." The desk man said

Ash put his Rotom Phone on the scanner & got registered for the Indigo League Conference.

"You are officially checked in for the Indigo League. Good luck at the tournament, Ash Ketchum" The desk man said

"Thank you" Ash said as he took back his Rotom Phone

After they passed Route, they arrived at the entrance.

"Well, what have we here?" The old man said as he came out of the entrance of the Victory Road "I certainly didn't expect you to come here early."

"Who are you?" Ash asked

"Oh, pardon me, I'm Charles Goodshow, President of the League Competition Committee, but you can call me Mr. Goodshow." Mr. Goodshow said "You must be Ash, Serena, & Brock."

"How do you know our names?" Serena asked

"Bruno told me all about you & he told me that you were coming." Mr. Goodshow said "Come, the Indigo Plateau's this way."

While the gang & Mr. Goodshow were walking through Victory Road

"So, this is what it's like going through Victory Road." Ash said in awe

"Yes, Victory Road earned its name because it has been traveled by all Trainers aiming for the top. Some trainers train here for the tournament while others catch the wild Pokémon that live here." Mr. Goodshow said "Bruno told me you were competing in the Indigo League Conference, he had sent me videos of the battle he had with you three, I was impressed & amazed, especially with you Ash."

"I guess you rarely see any trainer who owns a Moltres." Ash said

"Indeed" Mr. Goodshow nodded

When they arrived at the Indigo Plateau

"Here we are, Indigo Plateau." Mr. Goodshow said after they walked up the flight of stairs that lead up to the Indigo Plateau

"Wow, the Indigo Plateau looks amazing." Serena said in amazement

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