Another Mission

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Absolutely nobody


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After a couple of days of being under supervision to make sure you were stable to start going on missions again, you were finally released

The second fresh air hit your face you bolted out the door and straight to your house with kanoe who was yelling at you to come back

Once you made it to your house you decided since it was a hard past few days that instead of going and lying on your bed you would just lie on the floor

The second you made contact with the floor you heard a thud against your window


Y/n: "Oh fuck my life!" you said when you turned over to see your green owl ramming into your window over and over

You opened the window and the bird flew in with absolutely zero grace as it hit you in the stomach

Y/n: "Duolingo what the hell?!"

Duolingo: "¿Has hecho tu lección de español hoy?"

Y/n: "Sorry what?"

Duolingo: "YOU DIDN'T DO YOUR SPANISH LESSON TODAY!" he yelled at you


Duolingo: "SPANISH OR VANISH BITCH!" he said before immediately taking off out the window

You were still trying to process what happened, no matter how often these outbursts happen they still shock you every time.

You go back to laying on the floor before your dumb bird comes back to the window

Duolingo: "You have a mission at the entertainment district." he said before flying off

You immediately groaned after recalling the events the first time you went there

You laughed at the memory of tanjiro head butting a random man trying to buy a night with you MINUTES after setting foot in there

You got up and ready to head to the unholy city and meet your bird outside for more details

Your outfit is something like this

Your outfit is something like this

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