The butterfly Mansion

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It only took 15 of you running out of the city like your life depended on it to reach the butterfly estate

Before you could even open the door you were tackled to the ground

Zenitsu: "INOSUKE LET HER GO!" he screamed at the wild boar

Inosuke: "I'M MAKING SURE MY UNDERLING IS OK!" he yelled back

You laughed at his words

You feel him shove something into your hands

Inosuke: "I like acorns so I thought I should get you some." he said with a proud smile


Inosuke: "They don't?" Inosuke looked at him dumbfounded

You laughed
Y/n: "I have to go meet up with Kanoe and get my leg taken care of."

Before you could stand up on your own you felt some strong arms scoop you up and carry you inside

You didn't complain, you just ran a marathon without stopping

You sat on an examination table waiting for Kanoe to arrive with inosuke at your side

Inosuke: "While you were gone monitsu taught me how to spell my name wanna see?"

Y/n: "That was nice of him, show me!" you said suspicious of zenitsu's kind actions

Inosuke: "Look!"

Inosuke: "Look!"

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Y/n: ...

Inosuke: "I'M GOING TO GO SHOW AOI!" said with excitement

Y/n: "inosuke wait- and he's gone..." you said slapping your forehead

After Inosuke left the room Kanoe walked in with bandages

But when she went to examine your leg it was already fully healed

Kanoe: "It seems your regeneration just made my job easier, Just be sure to take it easy for a whi-" but before she could finish her sentence you were out the door

Hours passed and you decided to pull an all-nighter at the butterfly mansion with inosuke

Y/n: "Hey inosuke if I beat you at Uno I get to try on your mask!"

Inosuke: "What Uno, Imma kick it's ass!"

You facepalmed and decided to just grab the boar mask off his head

Inosuke: "HEY GIVE THAT BACK!" he yelled as you took off for the front door

With Inosuke hot on your tail you made it outside and started to climb a tree only to be kicked in the ribcage sending you right off

Y/n: "Inosuke no fair!" you yelled still holding firmly onto his mask

Then you hear a voice sending shivers through your entire body

Tanjiro: "All you need is me, people like inosuke shouldn't matter..."

Inosuke: "Y/N GET BACK HERE!!!" he yelled

Once inosuke saw the scene in front of him he immediately froze

Y/n: "Inosuke get out of here..." you speak in a hushed tone

Inosuke: "No I won't leave yo-" before he could finish an arm shot out of tanjiro's back and pinned inosuke to a nearby tree

Tanjiro: "Tell me Y/n what is he to you..." he spoke in a cold tone

Y/n: "Tanjiro please don't hurt him..." you felt tears begin to roll down your cheeks

You heard Inosuke start to choke as Tanjiro's grip tightened

Tanjiro: "My patience is running thin, I do not wish to kill him Like I did Aki."

You froze, he killed Aki? It's your fault! You left him you should've-

You heard inosuke struggle to breathe

Y/n: "HE'S MY BEST FRIEND!" you blurted out desperate to save him

Tanjiro: "As long as you have me you won't need people like him" you heard Inosuke's bones begin to fracture and snap.

Y/n: "Please don't kill him! I'll do anything." you cried not standing up to face him

It was silent for a minute except for inosuke struggling to breathe before Tanjiro let go of him

Tanjiro: "Now hold true to your word and come with me Y/n." he spoke calmly before walking off

You were scared and didn't know what to do

Tanjiro: "If at any point you try to run away from me Y/n I will break your legs so you will have no choice but to depend on me."

You stayed silent and did nothing but nod, worrying about your loved ones and how to get back to them

You suddenly felt Tanjiro pull you in and pressed your bodies so close together that it was constricting your ability to breathe

Tanjiro: "My love is not escapable Y/n you will either learn that the easy way or the hard way."

You started squirming once you started seeing black dots in your vision

Y/n: "I can't breathe!" you said while panting heavily

He only looked down at you with a loving smile before saying softly "I know" before your vision went black


Tashio era secrets

This wasn't the first time you bet a bet about Inosukes mask

Zenitsu got beat up by Aoi not to long after inosuke showed her his "Name"

Inosuke spent hours trying to find a shiny acorn but couldn't find one and had to settle for regular ones to give you instead

Kanoe was very pleased to see her workload shrink a little

Words 845

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