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•(Y/N) (L/N)•

Two months. That's how long it took you to realize you've been reincarnated.

It may not sound like a long time, and it technically isn't, but how could I take so long to remember anything about who I was? Even now I couldn't remember much aside from the fact I had a mother, father, and little sibling. Yet their names and faces were a mystery to me. I let time fly by as if there was nothing wrong when I had a whole life to remember. It was overwhelming and with my body only being two months old there weren't many ways to express myself.

So I cried.

And when I cried my new mother would just walk over and cradle me in their arms. They'd walk over to the rocking chair and begin to hum a small lullaby. Strangely enough, it would work. When she would hum that lullaby it seemed to soothe my soul and warm my body. Now, when it was just my father at home he would freak out. His humming didn't soothe me as my mother's lullabies would, and he knew that. He'd change me, feed me, rock me, but it never worked.

As another month passed I tried to gather any and all memories I could. It was worrying and frustrating and fear-inducing all at once. Questions constantly raced through my mind as my brain worked on overload to remember the smallest details. Was I in the same world as my first life? Would I see my family again? Would I ever remember their names in faces? And how did I die in the first place? It was strange knowing that I had died without any memory of the traumatic event. Eventually, I was so enraptured within my own mind that I stopped crying.

It wasn't until my father decided to take me to the grocery store with him that I got an answer to two of my questions. Was I in the same world as my first life? The answer? No. There were people with strangely shaped bodies. Some had wings or ears or tails and sometimes they'd have a mix of various animalistic characteristics. Others had multiple arms or legs or their bodies were made of some other material. It was strange but somewhat familiar.

It wasn't until my six-month doctor's visit that I found out exactly which world I was in. As my parents pushed me outside of the hospital after my checkup I overheard a conversation despite not being able to see where it was coming from.

"You have such a strong quirk! I'm sure you can be a hero!" a nurse said.


Why was it so familiar? If I needed to remember something at any point in's this. What were quirks?! Suddenly a name came from the abyss of my lost memories.

Boku no Hero Academia.

A wave of relief filled my system as memories of what I knew about Boku no Hero Academia flooded my mind. It should've been overwhelming, but it wasn't. It was something I could latch onto. I now knew where I was. I just needed to know what time I'm in. I knew one thing for sure, which I was thankful for, was that I wasn't during All For One's hay day. There weren't quirk protestors and it seems that quirks were widely accepted for the most part.

Was this a dream? No, it couldn't be. I'd felt pain before when I was teething.

But I still needed to know what period of time I'm in. It could still be before the anime. In that case, I wouldn't know much about what happens in the world around me. That didn't sit right with me. Or I could be in the middle of the plot of the anime. That felt a bit better, but I'd rather it not be true. If I was born during the center of the plot then the villains would soon be on the rise if they weren't already, and I wouldn't be able to do anything about that. I could have been born after the anime, but I don't know how the whole Midoriya-Shigaraki rivalry ended. The anime hadn't finished as far as I can remember. Surely the heroes won, right? Being born after the plot would be a gamble on whether it was good or bad.

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