✯ 40 ✯ Awards Ceremony

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•(Y/N) (L/N)•

I was still crying when my phone began to ring. I reached into my pocket, a bit annoyed, and pulled out my phone. I looked at the contact and quickly cleared my throat and wiped my eyes before answering the call.

"Mom! How is Ingenium? Did Iida make it there yet?" I asked.

"Everyone is alright, honey. Ingenium is going to recover well, and no Iida has not made it yet. He's on the train right now," my mom replied.

I sighed out of relief for Ingenium before wiping more tears away. Tears that had snuck out despite me trying to distract myself.

"I watched a replay of your last round. Have they gotten the results yet? Did my little girl win?" my mom asked.

I couldn't help but break down at the excited tone my mom had.

"I failed mom. I let you and dad down. I let everyone down," I cried.

"Aww, honey. You didn't let anyone down, you did their best and I'm so proud of you. This isn't the end of the world," my mom said.

"I feel so selfish," I continued to cry.

"Honey, you put too much pressure on yourself. I don't know exactly why you're upset, you always know more than myself or your dad. But whatever's wrong I know you can make things better, make them right, and I know this because you are my strong little girl. Don't forget that your dad and I will always love you so much, and we'll always be there for you," my mom said.

I smiled at her support, even if I was still crying.

"Thank you mom, I love you so much," I sniffled.

"I love you too, honey. Now I've got to get back to work. Go back out there and show them how strong you are!" my mom cheered.

After my mom hung up I began wiping my tears. I looked down at my turned off phone and took a deep breath. A knock on my door sounded and I called for them to enter. An announcement was made for all those who made the podium to make their way over. I got up and walked out of the room, feeling a lot better after the talk with my mom.


As I entered the room, which was under the arena, I saw the podiums already prepped. I realized I was the first one here, so I quickly made it onto the second place podium after Midnight's instructions. When Tokoyami and Shoto entered, their eyes widened once they saw me.

"You didn't win?" Shoto asked.

"No, I was very close though," I smiled.

"I was hoping you'd win," Tokoyami sighed.

"Yeah! It's unfair!" Dark Shadow cried, suddenly appearing.

He flew over with tears in his eyes. He wrapped around me in a hug and began petting my hand.

"It's okay," he soothed.

"Guys I'm alright. I'll just have to beat him next year," I replied, smiling and petting Dark Shadow's head.

"You are very admirable," Tokoyami smiled.

"I mean, not really. There isn't much I can do this year anyway," I replied.

Before the others could reply we heard yelling from outside the room. There was scuffling as well making me sigh as it was obvious what was happening.

"Hold on," I sighed.

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