✯ 64 ✯ Dorm Competitions

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•(Y/N) (L/N)•

Tenya then grabbed my hand and dragged me along, leaving the others in the dust. Once at the common room I saw Fumikage, Toru, Mineta, Aoyama, Mashirao, Koji, and even Katsuki waiting. Wait, wasn't Katsuki supposed to go to bed by now? Though I suppose Tsu is still upset in her room, I don't blame her.

"(Y/N)!" Dark Shadow cheered, appearing from Fumikage and rushing over.

I chuckled as I pet his head while Fumikage groaned, covering his face in embarrassment.

"Dark Shadow," he sighed.

"I'm so beat," Eijiro groaned.

"You and me both, you done unpacking?" Hanta asked.

"I think so," Eijiro replied.

"Feels good right?" Izuku asked.

"I know we could've died, but it's kind of exciting to be living here," Denki smiled.

"Mhm," Izuku smiled.

"A unified class, it's the perfect way to increase our cooperation and discipline. How smart!" Tenya cheered.

"So you never relax, do you?" Eijiro asked.

"Well, moving on. The girls and I have been thinking about it and-" Mina began.

"We have a great idea!" Toru cheered.

Thinking about it?

"Let's go around and see who has the coolest room," Mina said.

Izuku, Mineta, and Fumikage froze. Welp, the girls practically dragged everyone, except Katsuki who refused to move, to Izuku's room, and Izuku began freaking out.

"Ahh! You can't go in there, please it's not fit for-!" Izuku began yelling.

Mina opened the door and everyone squealed as I giggled.

"It's All Might everywhere!" Mina cried.

"You're such a fanboy!" Ochaco chuckled.

"It looks exactly like your room back at your Inko's place," I chuckled.

"Well I admire him. This is embarrassing," Izuku sighed.

"Izuku, everyone already knows you're a fanboy. This isn't much of a shocker," I smiled.

"That's only because you've known me so long," Izuku mumbled.

We then moved to Fumikage's room, where he quickly stood in front of his door.

"No way," he scoffed.

Yeah, Toru and Mina quickly pushed him down and entered his room. Yeah he was quickly annoyed and angered by the forced entry of his room. Aoyama's was very bright, even I who created light was overwhelmed.

How would he even sleep in here?

"This is turning out to be really fun, the last person on this floor is-!" Ochaco cheered, hopping happily before realizing Mineta was last.

"Hey, come on in girls. I've got so much to show you," Mineta said, creepily looking at us from his doorway.

"Nope, let's go," I replied, moving the girls to the elevator.

We made it to Mashirao's room which was pretty bare, Tenya's was very studious with books and many pairs of glasses in case he broke during training, Denki's was pretty normal though it looked a bit disorganized, and Koji's well...bunnies for the win man.

"It's so cute!" I squealed.

I kneeled down and reached out letting the rabbit approach me. I pet the rabbit as it's ears twitched, making me smile.

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