✯ 10 ✯ The Birth of a Hero

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•Izuku Midoriya•

Without thinking I pushed through the crowd and ran forward.

I heard the gasps of the crowd, but my sole focus was on my friend as I ran directly up to the woman.

"No you idiot! Stop, you're going to get yourself killed!" Death Arms yelled.

"Not this brat again!" the villain groaned.

'What am I doing? Why am I running?! Why can't I stop?!' I thought.

"You're toast kid!" the villain yelled.

He moved to attack, however I managed to dodge his attacks.

'What do I do? What would a hero do right now?' I asked mentally.

My vision went to my hero notes, Kamui Woods' page, and to a specific line.

-make the opponent flinch back, and then use that opening to restrain them.

'Page twenty-five! Right!' I thought.

I took my back and threw it at the villain which caused him to flinch back and release (Y/N)'s face.


•(Y/N) (L/N)•

As soon as I gasped for air after Izuku's attack I looked at him insanely relieved. I coughed as Izuku jumped forward and tried to dig me out.

"Izuku!" I cried.

"I don't know what happened! My legs, they just started moving!" Izuku replied.

The villain tried to cover my mouth again as Izuku continued to dig and dig and dig.

"(Y/N), I couldn't just stand there and watch you die! Not when you've believed in me all this time!" Izuku cried, tears spilling out.

I began to fight even more as I pulled my head out again.

"Just a little bit longer, kid!" the villain said.

He raised his arm to hit Izuku.

"And I'm done playing with you!" the villain yelled.

"Save the boy! This thing will kill him!" Death Arms yelled as the heroes rushed forward.

An explosion followed and smoke covered us for a second. Once it cleared I saw All Might shielding Izuku from the attack.

"I really am pathetic," he said.

"All Might, but-" Izuku began.

"I told you the trick to make a great champion, but I see now I wasn't living up to my own ideals!" All Might said, ripping part of the villain off where my wrists were.

As All Might grabbed my wrists I couldn't help but mentally cry for him to stop monologuing and hurry the hell up.

"Heroes are always risking our lives! That's the true test of a hero!" All Might yelled as he coughed out blood.

"Damn you All Might!" the villain yelled, moving to attack.

"Detroit....Smash!" All Might yelled.

His punch created a huge whirlwind blowing the villain off me as he gently put me down. He panted as his body smoked.

I fell to the ground unconscious.


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