Gone but not forgotten

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No One's POV. 

"Where am I-" Henry slips over his own voice as he collapses. His vision is blurry, his body is shaking. It felt like he was sinking into the deep end of the artic ocean, except the force of the ocean around is pulling him in. Henry couldn't hear, he couldn't see. The artist whimpers as more of the darkness start to pull him under more. Voices flow into his ears, all those voices whisper gently telling him to just sleep. But the artist couldn't give in, something is wrong. Something is very wrong. It was a feeling he has felt about the place for a while now here in the studio. Yet it was faint instead of up close then now. The feeling... it was the feeling of being stalked. His head hurts, the memories keep flooding out of him instead of coming back as final moments. Henry looks up to see the light on the other side. 

Henry reaches out for the cold light...

A warm, dark hand instead grabs onto Henry's hand, inviting him back to the warmth of the darkness. Where Henry belongs. 

"It'll be over soon, Henry. I'm here this time." 

And with those words all alone, Henry gave in. 


Wally's POV. 

"Hey Mr. Drew, sir." Wally steps inside Joey's office. As Wally walks in, he is taken back by Joey. Joey's outfit is not only ragged and messy as if his clothes were thrown out, Joey himself looks as if he was hit by a bus. There's bags under his eyes visible from afar. Papers are scatter all over just like Henry's desk full of drawings. 'He's in a mess!' Wally holds himself from letting out a gasp. 

"What happened?" Wally runs over. 

Joey shakily looks up at Wally, practically welding his pupils from his desk to see Wally. "Hey Wally..."

Wally starts off slowly by placing a few of scattered paper work on Joey's desk before organizing. Once a few papers have been place off the ground, Joey starts to finally catch his breath and help put the papers away. 

"The head of the animation studio just quit..." Joey nearly whispers as he finishes stacking the last of the paperwork.

"What?" Wally froze still as he holds the last piece of paper. 

"Henry quit." Joey spat out finally as he looks away. 

"N-No..." Wally speaks up. "No... That's not Henry. He loves this place... Well not exactly love but he loves to draw and animate. This isn't like him at all. This is not the Henry I know at all!" 

"Exactly my thoughts!" Joey openly answers back. "Henry's my best pal and there's no way he'll leave with a letter like this!" 

Joey then throws the paper that 'supposable' Henry left before he quit. Wally grabs the letter mid air and reads it. 

*Letter time!* 

Dear Joey Drew, 

                                 In deepest apologies I decided to quit and leave this studio. I knew now that there is more in life then just drawing. Like sleeping.  永遠にさようなら

*Letter ends here* 

"What the hell is this?" Wally mutters in visible confusion. There are way too many things wrong with this. First of all, Henry would not just leave without saying anything to Buddy and I. Secondly, Henry is more thorough than this. Thirdly, since when did Henry get over his addiction to drawing? Knowing Henry by now, that man is unstoppable. Henry thrives in this place! But the most obvious of all, what's up with the cryptic language? Who would- 

"I have not the slightest clue on what got Henry to immediately turn around and leave the studio." Joey interrupts Wally's train of thought. "I hardly noticed any changes around him at all. This makes me even more concern... Do you think it might be something here in the studio?" 

"What? No!" Wally waves his hand in a exaggerate tone, only to die down with ideas of what happened. "Well... other then the lower levels of the studio becoming a maze, I see nothing wrong." Wally thinks out loud. "I think it has to be something outside. The guy literally came back to work less than a month and he suddenly quits?" 

Joey lays slump in his chair now. "I just worry it might be me... I was suppose to talk with him yesterday." 

Wally's eyebrows perk up. "Well? Was it about his overworking?" 

"No." Joey looks down at a singular paper in his hand. Wally leans forward to see it's Henry's application in the studio. "He actually wanted to talk to me about something. But when he asked, I was making the announcement to the studio. I didn't forget though. I waited at my office for Henry to come in. But he didn't come by at all." 

"You think..." Wally looks down. "Henry wanted to leave before hand?" 

"He possible couldn't wait..." Joey places the application facing down on his desk. "I just don't get it. What made him quit so soon." 

Wally still doesn't believe Henry left by his own. It was a nagging feeling in his gut. Even if it seem that Henry might want to leave soon, wouldn't he tell his friends? Wouldn't he tell-

A bell rings behind Wally's mind. 

That love letter...

"I think I might know the reason." 


No One's POV. 

The announcement of Henry's disappearance is as expected. Most bewildered due to work reasons, but close ones to Henry are more in surprise if anything. Even though the day goes on, it felt longer. Something was wrong. But there is not explanation.  

That goes the same with the reason why Henry left. The head animator and right hand man that built the studio suddenly left with no explanation from the boss Joey Drew Studios. This left many question... and someone who wants answers. 

"I say good for the guy..." Thomas explains to the tape recorder, not noticing Dot in the other room hearing him. "This place with time becomes a death trap. From what I've heard, he's found someone. Never new the guy so well but he'd probably got a better ending compare to the rest of us. Now excuse me, I need to fix another pipe." 


No One's POV. 

No one is around. Only sounds of gears moving in abandon areas of the lower studio. It was a safe shelter, for now. A dark puddle grows and rises to reveal a slightly humanoid figure. Two eyes open and reveal out of the ink. The eyes scan around the area until stopped abruptly by another figure. 

Two eyes look up to the mysterious figure. 

"Hello, my doll." 


GUESS WHO'S BACK YOU GUYS????? (~*0*~) Possibly it's gonna be a while to update again ngl. I also have a question for you dear readers. Should I continue with the main ship or should I make it platonic? I just wanted to ask to seek what do the readers what more. 

Thank you guys for reading this far. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 21 ⏰

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