The Demon is born

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No One's POV.

"He said no." Joey sighs. "Sorry guys. Guess next time..."

"It's alright Joey." Thomas rubs his eyes in an annoyed tone. "I've asked him a million times before, and all he replies with the exact answer all the time: "

Wally's POV.

"Sorry, buy hard pass. Look, I've been through college. I've dealt with these situations. I ain't gonna join the Gents. Not because I really don't want to, but mostly, it's gonna involve more work. And if you think I'm cut out for working harder in a club for some extra cash, I'm outta here."

No One's POV.

"He's just lazy." Sammy crosses his arms. "He just finds an excuse for not doing any more work."

"Yeah, I feel like he's starting to get it from Henry." Joey rubs his chin in worrisome.

"That's why I called in a backup plan." Norman pop out of the dark room the four are in, with only a few candles lighting up the room.

The three turns at Norman direction. "You did?" Sammy ask.

"Yep." Norman answer shortly.

"What'd you do?" Joey raises an eyebrow.

"Send him a letter to meet us here." Norman smile innocently.

The three look at Norman with a plain look. "Really?" Thomas sighs. "So you just sent a letter to Wally about 'summoning a cartoon demon' and how he could join us. Do you really think an idiot like him would do it?"

"He did look at me funny when I mention bringing Bendy to life... " Joey looks over at his shoulder in unease. "He looked at me like I was a weirdo after I said that out loud..."

"I mean..." Sammy was about to start until Norman punches his shoulder as a sign for no.

"I also brought something that I think Wally should know in that letter..." Norman slowly said as he smirk. Then Norman heads to the corner of the room to pick up his bag off the floor. He opens the bag to reveal a slice of chocolate cake that is nicely wrapped.

"What is that- you didn't!" Sammy gasp as he sees clearly through the dark.

"A slice of chocolate cake?" Joey ask.

"Wally is famously known for his sweet tooth." Thomas explains. "Along with doing anything for food."

"Interesting... " Joey nods his head in understatement.

The four jumps at the same time as the door swings open and Wally starts racing down the stairs to meet the others.

"I'm-*cough* I'm here!..." Wally hoarsely cough before passing out. "Where's the cake...?"

"Hey Norman..." Sammy looks over to him. "When did you gave him that letter?"

*Few minutes ago*

No One's POV.

Wally was cleaning his tool supplies until he stops to rub his forehead. I've been lately getting a headache since yesterday... Is it a fever? I should ask Joey if I could take the day off...

Wally was interrupted by Norman slides the letter underneath the door to Wally's office. Wally hears the noise from the corner of his ear. Wally turns and look to see a letter.

"*Gasp* Is it my check?" Wally spins his chair before falling to the ground.

Wally crawls his way to the letter on the ground. He picks it up and reads it.

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