Chapter 5 (short)

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You all left the dark forest and decided to take a rest and sleep. You and Death built a small fire together. "So, you two are like together now?" Puss questioned. "Yep, who knew THE Death could fall in love?"

"I'm right here," Death mumbled. "I know, love," you scratced under his chin.


Everyone was asleep, except for you. You kept feeling as if you were being watched. 

A rustle came from a bush and someone ran out the bush, you quickly got up and followed them. "Stop following me, pendejo!" they yelled. You tackled them to the ground and took off their hood.

"Riding hood?" you questioned. "Yes, and before you ask. I did kill you mama," she chuckled. "Why?" you cried. "Because that stupid wolf killed my grandma!"

"Lobo didn't do anything to your grandma! That was the big bad wolf!" you told her. "Likely story, a wolf is a wolf. And plus, your mama was annoying." she got up and ran away. 

They say there are five stages of grief
1) Denial

But I'd like to add one more...revenege


"Y/n, wake up!" Puss chucked a boot at you. "What, pendejo? No need to throw a shoe at me.." you yawned. "Where's Lobo?" you asked. "Collecting souls," Perrito replied. "And we are going on an adventure! To a land called far far away!"

Dumb ways to die ||Death x !Fem!Human!Reader || Puss in bootsWhere stories live. Discover now