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In a huge house that reside by the new Loud generation, all of the Loud children are off to school and their mothers are off to their respective jobs. We see a 35 year old man who has a albino hair, wearing a orange polo and blue jeans. He is currently working on his job and his name is...

Lincoln Loud, whose job is a comic designer and a father of many children. He was once a Loud but due to the ups and downs events that happened in his youth change him and his sisters.

One of those that turn his life ups and downs is his kindness which he end up most of his sisters but luckily for him, he manage to clear his name, by changing his documents and doing favor to his younger sister, Lisa.

Even though he didn't plan to have a relationship to his sisters, he still moves on and continue to carry his sins. Now he must take care his children and always be with them to attend any schedule that his children have from school, events, and so on.

He promised himself that he wouldn't be a burden or abandoned his responsibility even though it wasn't his fault. The reason behind it was because he didn't want any of his children to feel a accident or a mistake, after all he has his Father and Mother's loving side.


A phone is ringing beside Lincoln's table which snap out of his daze and in the other line who is calling him, is Lisa. He quickly pick up the phone.

Lincoln : Hi Lisa, what's up?

Lisa : Hello Lincoln, I know I'm interrupt your work right now but could you do me a favor?

Lincoln : As long that it's not related to any of your experiments.

Lisa : Well I only need you to tell me the coordinations of the machine I've been working on.

Lincoln : That's it?

Lisa : I can assure you that's all you have to do, older brother unit.

Through out the years, Lincoln knew that Lisa can sometimes lie to him if she ask him for a favor.

Lincoln : Ok...well it's almost time to pick up the kids anyway.

Lincoln postponed his work and head to his sister's laboratory, which is in the basement. When he arrive he saw a machine that has a hight of a door and it looks like a...washing machine?...

Lincoln: Lisa, can you tell me what are you making this time?

Lisa: I am making a teleportation device, that could transport any objects to the other side of the portal which is here at my other laboratory.

Lincoln: Understandable. Let's see the cords of this machine is XXX.

Lisa: Thank you Lincoln. - as she types in her computer the coordinations.

Lincoln: Any time sis, though why didn't you just check it in your cameras?

Lisa: Negative, Lulu just destroyed my security cameras with her new found power.

Lincoln: That's good news but I won't ask, anyway I guess that's all, right?

Lisa: Not yet dear brother.

Lincoln: You said that their is no related experiment Lisa.

Lisa: I know..., but could you put the test item inside the teleportation device.

Lincoln look to around the room until he saw a broken clock at the table, he pick it up and examine it, the clock stops at 2 : 59.

Lincoln: The item your transporting is a clock right?

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