Meet the Linc

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Lisa along with Lulu was the first to arrived and encounter a Lincoln who is seating, waiting for something.

"Who are you!?" Lisa question as Lulu only look with confusion

The Lincoln look at them head to toe.

"A Lincoln from another time." Said blankly

Then Lori along with a Lincoln who she pick up arrived and she was shock to see another Lincoln who is already inside the house.

"Lisa what did you do!?" Lori exclaim


Before Lisa could answer, scream have been heard and a running foot step can be heard at the second floor to the staircase and jumps into her mother's arms which Lori respond back, two Lincoln came down the stairs with different height which surprised them further.

Then Luan along with Lyra and Liby with another Lincoln arrived and was surprised to see five Lincoln.

"Dad?" Liby Question

" worst fear..." Said by the blank Lincoln.

Then another Lincoln with a lab coat came out of the basement, which add another of the Lincoln group.

"Who Did I Bump Into Then!?" Luan exclaim confused.

Then the Lincoln who pick up Lacy, Lupa, Lemy, Lyle, BJ and Reina arrived and the kids have the same expression of the adults.

"What!?" Lyle said confused

"Wow! I never thought I would see our dad at his Younger Age." Lacy said oblivious.

"Nani?" Said by the young Lincoln

Then Luna arrived and was surprised to see seven Lincoln in the same room.

"Can anyone please explain what the LOUD is going on!?" Luna exclaim confused .

Then a Lincoln with black shade arrived and was stunt to see someone familiar to him.

"Moon?" He said to Lyra

"What!?" Both Luna and Lyra said confused

Then Lynn along with Lucy arrived.

"Who Are These People!?" Lynn shouted confused.

"My beloved?" Said grimly

"...?..." Lucy was confused

Then two blonde hair twins with different clothes arrived with a worried and furious expression but change when they both saw the mood.

"What the Loud is going on!?" Lola exclaim

"And where our daughters?"

Then another Lincoln who is a giant arrived along with Leia and Lizy on his shoulder.

"Hello there!" He greeted happily.

The two of the twins daughter gently get down from giant Lincoln's shoulder and approach their respective mothers.

Then a Pale Blonde Hair woman who is Leni arrived along with Liena and Bed who are surprised and confused.

"Like Why Are There nine Lincolns?" Leni said oblivious

Then the last Lincoln arrived.

"WHY ARE THEY HERE!?" He shouted.


The scene shown that all the adults are arguing from one another and the kids, mostly the older ones are comforting the little ones. The argument is starting to get intense, but in the midst of the chaos, a young white haired boy is simply watching the argument, not interfering anyone other than eating a sandwich, but then notice the forth wall.

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