Chapter 4 - Should've Said No

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Upon realizing that she had romantic feelings for her foster sister, Gracie tried to distance herself a little bit. She started by trying to do her homework on her bed, and Rachel always insisted that her bed was more comfortable. She tried to pretend she was tired so she could go to sleep before their late-night conversations got too long, but Gracie would get carried away listening to Rachel's every word and taking in all the details she chose to share. She tried to stop hugging Rachel as often but she was a very affectionate person, squeezing Gracie every time she saw her, and curling into her when they watched movies. On Friday night they were doing just that when Rachel nuzzled her head into the crook of Gracie's neck.

"Don't be stupid, Gracie. She doesn't like you like that. She's just being friendly," she told herself. But there was a part of her that had hope.

"I'm gonna hit the sack," Gracie started to get up out of Rachel's bed when the movie ended, but Rachel softly pulled her back.

"Don't be stupid, you can sleep here," she looked up at Gracie, "It's much more comfortable than that old mattress," she pointed to the twin-sized bed in the corner.

"O-okay, cool," Gracie settled back down next to Rachel.

The butterflies came back when Rachel took Gracie's arm and rested it across her waist as she cuddled into her. She didn't know what else to do, so she relaxed her head against Rachel's.

Rachel fell asleep quickly, with her legs intertwined in Gracie's, but it took her a little longer. She couldn't understand what was happening between them, but she was finding it harder and harder to convince herself that they were just friends.

Saturday morning rolled around, and the girls hadn't moved from their position all night. Gracie felt a shift on the bed and opened her eyes. Rachel was still snuggling closer to her in her sleep.

"Hey, sleeping beauty," she said softly, "It's time to wake up."

Rachel let out a yawn and stretched her arms up above her head. She smiled when she looked at Gracie, giving her goosebumps. "Hi," she curled up to her again, "So, what should we do today?" She asked.

"Don't you have plans with your friends from school or something? It's Saturday," Gracie asked, why would Rachel want to waste the weekend hanging out with her?

"The girls at school are idiots and trust fund brats," Rachel rolled her eyes and sat up to face Gracie, "I'd rather hang out with you, why? Do you have plans?"

"No, I'm free as a bird," Gracie smiled.

"Awesome, so what should we do today?" Rachel looked at Gracie expectantly.

Gracie didn't answer; partly because her Saturdays were spent doing chores and homework, but since her homework was completed for the week, and Mary did all the housework herself, but mostly because she was distracted by the golden flecks in Rachel's eyes as the sun was shining on her.

"Well, I know what I want to do," Rachel moved to a kneeling position in front of Gracie, who was still lying on the bed, one hand behind her head, the other draped across the sheets where Rachel had slept.

"What's that?" Gracie smiled, she could never figure out what was going on in Rachel's head when they weren't pouring their hearts out to each other, but that's what intrigued her.

"This," without warning, Rachel leaned forward and pressed her lips against Gracie's.

It was a soft touch, but it was more than Gracie had ever expected. Moments later, when Rachel pulled away, Gracie sat up straight, looking at the blonde. The side of her mouth turned up slightly while her eyes fixated on Gracie. Neither girl said a word, and then, at the same time, they took each other in their hands and kissed again. This time they leaned back and relaxed their bodies as Rachel's leg lay across Gracie's thighs. Her spine arched as Rachel's hand moved to her neck, sending shockwaves through her body. She was still nervous, but at the same time, it felt natural. But when Gracie processed what was happening, she pulled away.

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