Chapter 19 - Clean

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"How long is it now until we get our phones back?" Gracie asked Lilah as they pulled up outside the house. Both she and Riley had been discharged from the hospital.

"Four days. You kids and your phones," she rolled her eyes, but she was smiling, happy to have the girls back at home again.

Since they left the hospital, Gracie had been clutching her giant teddy bear like it was attached to her, she wouldn't even let Lilah help her carry it from the car, insisting she could manage the weight but wincing when she hauled it out of the car. Riley was looking at her, probably wondering why she wanted to keep it at all, but Gracie ignored the glances.

"Welcome home my babies," Stella kissed her daughter's cheeks and brought them inside, "Wow, who's the bear from?" She asked as she guided Gracie and Riley to the living room. Before Gracie could answer, Stella saw the note attached to the ribbon around the bear, it just said 'Love Rae'. "I'll get rid of it," Stella said.

"No," Gracie gripped it tighter, "Please don't." If she wasn't allowed to see Rachel anymore, the next best thing was holding onto a gift from her.

Stella looked at her foster daughter with a furrowed brow, but after a moment of consideration, she decided there was no use arguing over a stuffed animal, "Alright, come on let's get you settled on the couch." Gracie let her prop the up bear on the piano stool and led Gracie to the couch, "Now, are you hungry? The doctor said you should avoid sugary foods and coffee," she fluffed the pillow behind Gracie, "Marco, go make her some toast. Are you cold? Maia, go get Gracie's comforter, please. Riley, do you need anything? An ice pack? An aspirin?"

"Mom, we're fine," Riley said.

"You don't need to fuss, I'm okay, really," Gracie wasn't used to being so looked after, any time she'd been sick before, she'd been met with an eye roll or worse from whichever foster family she was placed with.

"It's been a long few days," Lilah put her arms around her wife and kissed her cheek, "The girls need rest, and you need sleep, my love," the two of them went hand-in-hand up the stairs.

Danny came and sat on the other side of Gracie and switched the TV on, Maia joined them when she came downstairs with Gracie's comforter. Gracie splayed the blanket over the four of them and they relaxed as they watched whatever reality show was playing. They were almost asleep when Marco walked in with a plate stacked three feet high with buttered toast. The four of them burst into fits of laughter at Marco's idea of standard portion size.

When Stella had woken up for her night shift at around five that evening, she walked into the living room to make sure Gracie went up to bed for a nap. Her other children had already scattered around the house, doing chores and homework.

"Come on, love," Gracie let Stella carry the teddy bear up to the bedroom and set it on the chair in the corner. "Do you need anything?" She asked.

All Gracie had thought about since they got home was Rachel. No one would even mention her name, so now that she was alone with Stella, Gracie saw a chance to try and get some answers.  She nodded, "Rachel. Is she-"

Stella sighed, "Gracie, love." The bags beneath her eyes proved her exhaustion before her weary tone. "Not now. You need to rest."

But Gracie was desperate, "I just want to know if she's safe and then I won't say another word about it," Gracie sniffled and tried to keep herself from crying again, "Please."

Stella looked at Gracie, whose eyes were slowly filling with tears. She sat down and took a breath, "Riley refused to incriminate her, she told the police that she slipped, and Rachel followed her lead."

Gracie let out a sigh of relief, "So, she wasn't arrested or charged with anything?"

"No she wasn't, but you are not to see or talk to that girl ever again," Stella looked apologetic, she could see that Gracie felt strongly about this girl who seemed to only cause problems.

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