Chapter 3

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"Arashi Narumi, you have been brought before us for violating Corps rules. You have engaged in a fight with not only a fellow member, but a superior rank. What do you have to say for yourself?" Gyomei Himejima asked, his hands folded in prayer.

Arashi was kneeled. Her head bowed. She looked up. She was before the Hashira on trial for her actions. She looked at each of them in turn, her eyes lingered on Rengoku. "It's shameful," she whispered.

Sanemi's smirk fell when her eyes cut over to him. "It's shameful that a Hashira would behave in such a manner. Intimidating other Corps members like that. They're supposed to look to you, to rely on you. They can't even eat near you in peace without the fear of your wrath. I am not ashamed at what I did, I would do it again if it means I can protect others from bullies like you." Arashi spat her words out. Kyojuro felt the side of his mouth curl in an unexpected smile. Such passion.

Gyomei's mouth was pressed in a thin line. "Yes, we have spoken to him at length regarding his outbursts. But you are not without blame as well. Were it not for your rank, we would have dismissed you from the Corps. However, we cannot afford to do that. You show great potential, we have been watching you."

"Well some of us have been watching," Tengen leaned in to Shinobu. "Ara!" Her hand shot to her mouth, stifling her giggle. Gyomei turned his head to Tengen slowly, and back to Arashi.

"You will still face punishment, but we wish to offer you a choice as well. Your breathing style is unique, so I am told. Storm Breathing. It appears you draw from both Water and Wind Breathing. When not on missions you will train with Giyuu, our Water Hashira. And... With Sanemi, our Wind Hashira. You can consider that your punishment."


"Again!" Sanemi command.

"Third Form: Cyclone Strike"  Arashi dashed forward, her sai swirling in continuous opposite directions. She moved at a blinding speed, slashing and stabbing in a horizontal path.

Arashi had spent several weeks now with both Sanemi and Giyuu. It had become clear that her technique matched closer to Sanemi's than Giyuu's, and so she had moved to work with Sanemi exclusively. Giyuu was indifferent. He had been able to hone her skill with her Fifth Form, Eye Of The Storm. It was similar in nature to his Eleventh Form, Dead Calm. The form called for the user to cease all bodily movement and enter a state of complete tranquility while simultaneously deflection, blocking, and cutting any incoming attacks.

Where Giyuu was stoic and expressionless, Sanemi was the complete opposite. He was every bit as hot-blooded and abrasive as their first encounter. "Again! Faster!" He came at her with a bokken.

"Sixth Form: Typhoon Destructive Path" Arashi ran forward, before she reached Sanemi she launched herself up, twisting herself into a backflip. While overhead she unleashed a powerful gust of circular wind. Sanemi managed to deflect the blow at the last second, "Third Form: Clean Storm Wind Tree."

Arashi was out of breath. Her most powerful attack had failed. "You have to be faster than that," Sanemi admonished.

Arashi bowed her head slightly, "Yes Lord Shinazugawa."

Tch. Sanemi clicked his tongue. "You're dismissed for now. Be back here in the morning." Arashi bowed her head again and took her leave.


"Wah! I thought he was never going to let you rest!" Mitsuri wailed while slurping up a bite of noodles.

"You act as though you're training alongside me," Arashi laughed lightly.

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