Chapter 4

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"Second Form: Raging Seas." Arashi ran towards Sanemi, she swept low at the last second and sprung back up. The sai swooping low with her. Her dual weapons moved as an extension of her. Sanemi was so focused on her upward movement that he didn't see that one sai remained low. She brought the pronged weapon around his ankle and tripped him. The other sai she brought down and stopped just short of his throat.

He panted hard, his violet eyes staring into her seafoam green. He pushed the sai away and sat up. "You're getting faster. We'll call it for the day."

Arashi bowed her head, "Yes Lord Shinazugawa."

Sanemi rubbed the back of his neck. "Sanemi. You can call me Sanemi."

Sanemi's harshness around her had faded. He was like the sharp rocks that dotted the bottom of a cliff, and she was like the waves. Relentless and forever. She had worn away some of his razor edges. On a few occasions she had caught him staring at her. He always looked away quickly, then drilled her more harshly after.

"You can be done for the day." He began to walk away and stopped. He looked back over his shoulder, "And um. Good job."

"Thank you Sanemi." He felt a slight blush in his face at her words. He was thankful that his back was to her as he continued on his way.

Sanemi's POV

"GOOD JOB"!? What the hell was that. I don't say things like THAT! He continued to slash at the bamboo stalks nearby.

He let out a frustrated growl. He had hated her when he first met her. She had nearly broken his nose. But now he looked forward to their daily training sessions. She was far more formidable than she looked.

Sanemi ground his teeth together. He took another swing. He kept thinking about her eyes. Pools of green that could swallow your entire being when she looked at you. I wonder if she notices when I look at her. "Arghhh!! FUCK!!" Sanemi swung his blade again.


"Hurry Arashi-chan! The fireworks will begin soon!" Mitsuri pulled Arashi through the throng of other festival attendees.

"Mitsuri, slow down! We still have time." Arashi laughed lightly as she allowed her friend to drag her along. A local summer festival was taking place in town. Mitsuri had convinced Arashi to go.

"Mitsuri, I have nothing suitable to wear for a festival."

"Ohhh please! I have just the thing for you to wear! I picked it out special for the occasion!" Mitsuri pouted.

Arashi rolled her eyes. "If it will make you happy."

And indeed Mitsuri was very happy. She bounced along joyously past the food stands. Mitsuri stopped abruptly, forgetting all about the fireworks for the moment, her favorite sakura mochi being sold. Arashi leaned in, "Careful, you're drooling." The girls laughed heartily. Arashi broke away from her friend. "I'm going up ahead, I'll meet you at the bottom of the hill when you're finished. Take your time."


"Lord Tengen, hurry! The fireworks will start soon!" Suma ran ahead excitedly. "We found the perfect spot at the top of the hill!"

Tengen waved his wife ahead with a smile. He could hear Makio scolding her for acting like such a child all the time. Hinatsuru looked at the two exasperatedly and smiled softly back at Tengen. He loved his wives dearly.

"They certainly are a lively bunch, aren't they?" Rengoku chuckled at the display.

"They always have been. I wouldn't want it any other way. Speaking of lively, that Arashi girl is something else! I still can't believe she tried to lay Sanemi out. Now that's FLASHY!"

"Yes, she has an incredible fighting spirit. It's quite admirable."

"She's quite something to look at too, hm?" Rengoku dropped his pace momentarily, Tengen noticed. "Maybe she'll be here at the festival. Perhaps I could use a fourth wife?" He laughed at seeing the fire light behind his friend's eyes. He gave a light salute and headed over to his wives laughing.


Rengoku walked through the festival alone. He would catch up with Tengen and his wives before the fireworks started. He had recalled seeing a yaki imo stall awhile back, and was excited to grab his favorite food. Rengoku felt his heart beat faster when he saw who was standing in the back of the line. Arashi's hair was braided in its signature waterfall braid. She wore an aquamarine kimono, her obi cerulean, with a matching wave pattern along the bottom hem of the kimono. She looked perfect.

Arashi looked back momentarily, her eyes seemed to sparkle. "Hello Kyojuro, it's nice to see you here. Have you come alone?" He joined her in line.

"I'm here with Tengen and his wives. I wanted to grab a sweet potato before the fireworks started."

"Mitsuri brought me along. She's getting some sakura mochi. I've never had sweet potato before, I'm quite excited to try it."

Rengoku's eyes widened. "You've never had sweet potato?! They're my favorite!" Arashi was next in line. "Please, allow me." Rengoku gently moved in front of her. "Two sweet potatoes, please." He presented some coins for the vendor, and was handed two pipping hot bundles. He handed one to Arashi. "Careful, they can be quite hot." Arashi took a tentative bite, her eyes lit up.

"It's delicious!" She smiled and happily took another bite. Rengoku smiled back, beaming.

"Arashi!" Mitsuri ran up, sakura mochi in hand. "Oh, Master Rengoku! It's nice to see you here." She smiled happily, taking a bite of her food.

"Were you two going to watch the fireworks?" Mitsuri nodded enthusiastically. "I came with Tengen and his wives, would you two like to sit with us?"

"That would be lovely, thank you Lord Rengoku." Arashi smiled politely. His eyes lingered on her, wishing that she could call him by his first name.

They made their way to the hill. Tengen saw the three and waved them over. Makio and Hinatsuru were on either side of him, resting their heads on his shoulder. Suma was spread out on the ground in front of him. Mitsuri plopped down with her, giggling with excitement over the anticipation of the show.
Rengoku and Arashi sat down, enjoying their sweet potatoes together.

The fireworks finally began. The night sky filled with dazzling colors. In the dark Arashi leaned closer to Rengoku. "Thank you, Kyojuro" she whispered during the explosion of the next firework. Tengen smiled to himself having heard everything, and how his friend's heartbeat had quickened with her words.

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