Chapter 5

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Caw! Arashi Narumi you have been requested for a mission by an upper rank! Report to the main gate!

Arashi's Kasugai 'Kaze' circled high above her in the sky calling her to action. She rose from her spot in the grass and made her way to where she had been commanded.

I wonder who could have requested me. Maybe a senior Kinoe? Perhaps it will be Mitsuri, or even Obani.

"Hello there Arashi!" She recognized the voice and enthusiasm immediately. Kyojuro. He smiled brightly at her, his arms crossed in his signature stance.

"Hello Kyojuro. I haven't seen you in awhile."

"Yes, I've been away on several missions recently. I'm about to head to a small mountain town. There's been word that a pair of demons have been terrorizing the area."

"A pair of demons? I thought that they preferred to work alone?" Her brow arched slightly.

"Precisely! It is most unusual!"

His near constant enthusiasm never failed to make Arashi smile. She tilted her head towards him, "I wish you well in your investigation."

"You're coming with me! I requested your assistance."

"Me? But why? You're a Hashira, surely you don't need somebody like me." Rengoku's eyes widened slightly.

"Don't sell yourself short. Sanemi has told me that your skills have greatly improved in these last few months. I requested you based on his recommendation."

He recommended me?


"Third Form: Cyclone's Strike." Arashi's sai spun. She slashed and stabbed in an arching path, but missed her mark. The demon shot back up into the trees out of her sightline. Damnit. The demons had managed to separate her from Rengoku. Now she was alone on the mountain in the dark. She looked around and further down she caught a flash of light. She ran towards the source.

Another bright flash, "First Form: Unknowing Fire." She could make out Rengoku. He charged towards the other demon at a near blinding speed. With one swing the demon's head fell.

Arashi only made it a few steps forward before she felt herself being jerked up into the trees. "Rengoku!" her scream pierced into the night and he ran towards the sound.

The second demon was crouched on the branch with her. It licked its lips hungrily, waiting for her to make a move. She was at the base of the branch, her movement extremely limited. She would have only one chance. She drew a breath, "Fourth Form: Tsunami Takedown." Arashi launched herself forward. She screamed, bringing her sai down with an exploding wall of air. The force blew both her and the demon out of the tree. She tumbled to the ground below. Arashi rolled and righted herself. "Sixth Form: Typhoon Destructive Path." Arashi backflipped high into the air, she came down with all her force, the demon's head was on the ground before it was able to register what happened.


The hot spring waters felt heavenly. Arashi sank lower into the water, sighing lightly as she closed her eyes. She and Rengoku were staying at a nearby Wisteria House towards the base of the mountain. The demons that had terrorized the mountain village had been dispatched. It was late into the night, too late to travel back to the estate, so they had opted to leave at first light. Rengoku bid her goodnight. The owner of the house saw that Arashi did not yet look tired, and suggested she relax in the hot spring near the back of the house. She gladly took the old woman's advice.

Her breathing slowed. Water felt like home to her. It was a part of her. She could feel herself slowly being pulled to sleep. She heard a snap of a twig. Her eyes snapped open and she shot up, ready to defend herself.

"It's me!" Kyojuro turned quickly away. Arashi had been so quiet that he had not noticed that she was in the water. His face bright crimson at having seen her exposed in such a manner.

"Kyojuro?" Arashi slowly sank back down into the water. "I thought you went to bed?"

"I was unable to sleep. I thought the hot spring would help me relax. I was unaware that you were already here, I deeply apologize." He continued to face away from her.

"Ah, I see. Please, join me." Her voice sounded like silk.

Rengoku cleared his throat, "I don't think that would be appropriate. I am your superior." He shifted uncomfortably.

"The water doesn't care if you're my superior or not. Water is water. It is just us on this side of the mountain, and an elderly woman who has been asleep for hours." Rengoku hummed in response.

"Does my body offend you?" Rengoku stiffened at her words.

"No! Not at all. I mean... It's just..." He trailed off, unsure of how to respond.

"I'll turn my back to you. I've decided. I won't get out, but you will get in."

Rengoku felt his lips curl into a smile at her brazenness. "Are you giving me an order?"

"If I must." Arashi watched his back. She could see his muscles just underneath his kimono. His gold and red hair that looked like flame stood out in stark contrast against the dark background of the mountain forest. She turned around, "I'm ready".

Arashi heard Rengoku remove his kimono and sigh. He entered the water with her. All was still in the night. She closed her eyes again, resting her head against a rock, soon she could tell that Rengoku had finally begun to relax as well.

"Kyojuro?" He grunted at her in response. "Why did you have me accompany you on this mission?"

"I told you, you were suited for it."

"There were plenty of others suited for the task as well. Mitsuri for example, and she's your Tsuguko."

"I didn't want Mitsuri."

"You wanted me?" Rengoku's eyes snapped open, realizing how that had sounded. Arashi was close to him now. Her back was still to him. He could not fathom how she moved so silently in the water. Perhaps she should have leaned into Water Breathing more.

"That's not what I meant. I--" He looked away, unsure again of how to respond. He looked back, the moonlight reflected the silver of her hair, bathing her in a soft glow. He wrestled with himself. He was a Hashira. She was his subordinate. It would not be appropriate to allow his feelings to develop further.

She turned to him, the steam rising off her, the water barely above her chest. Rengoku swallowed. She glided to him, closer still.

"Did you want me because of my skills?" Closer still. He felt her fingers gently brush against his arm.

"Yes," he whispered lowly.

Her face was now an inch from his. Her green eyes hooded, lips parted slightly. "Did you want me besides for my skills?"

This was it. The decision lay before him. "Yes." Rengoku pulled her into his lap, kissing her hard. She moaned, allowing his tongue access. Her fingers tangled through his hair. The warm water swirled around them. Arashi felt him stiffen against her. She smiled against his mouth. She positioned herself better, and slowly lowered himself onto him. She gasped at his thickness. A soft whimper escaped her lips as she adjusted to him. Kyojuro groaned in pleasure.

He planted kisses along her neck as her hips moved against him. His hand gently cupping her breast, his thumb rubbing against her hardened bud. "Kyojuro." She moaned softly. He loved the way she said his name.

He growled and grabbed her hips. He gently flipped her off him, pressing her against the warm rocks. The water ran in rivets down her back and buttocks. Rengoku slammed into her from behind. Arashi let out a cry of pleasure. "Kyojuro, please."

"I love the way my name sounds on your lips." He grunted, continuing his pace.

"Kyojuro!" Arashi tightened around him, her orgasm taking her. With a final thrust she felt Rengoku's orgasm fill her. She slid back into the water into his arms. The warm water wrapping them like a blanket as they laid there in the dark.

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