Undercover (pt. 1)

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AN: y'all read my stories as soon as I post them omg like how??? 😭😭😭

Age: 15

TWs: violence in general

Context: Y/n is going on a very important mission

This was it. This was the day I got to go undercover at what had to be one of the most important missions, and I was the only agent who could get it done.

My mission was to infiltrate Hydra Academy.

Hydra has created an academy for kids ranging from toddlers to teenagers, training and brainwashing them to be the most dangerous agents of all time.

Fury decided that the best way to shut this down was from the inside, and I was the only one who could do it. I was instructed to not use my powers under any circumstances in order for the mission to not become compromised. There were cameras everywhere in the academy, and had to assume that I was always being watched.

"Remember to fit in. These kids are being brainwashed, take their mindset and get into it. And please, don't-"

"Compromise the mission. I know mom it's only the 13th time you've told me."

She sighs, looking at me. Probably remembering the little girl she saved just over 10 years ago.

"I love you."

"I love you too мама." I smiled.

And just like that, I was in front of the gates of a secret location. Hydra agents surrounding me. I was transported in a dark van so I wouldn't know exactly where I am, but Tony injected a tracking device inside of my arm, and tried to make it as undetectable as possible.

I was going under the alias of Willow Crawford. I had spent weeks memorizing the backstory that was assigned to me. I was the daughter of some relatively powerful, and now dead, Hydra agents.

The building was like a jail. It was gray and bland. Inside and out. They had already dressed me in the gray uniform, which did make me uncomfortable, but I'd have to do worse things for the sake of the mission.

I was directed to my room. Students eyed me and gossiped to their friends, just like normal teenagers would. It kind of irked me that they could live like this and seem so normal at the same time.

I also took the chance to find exactly where all the security cameras were, and where guards were usually set up. My job was to capture the head guy of this place, Dr. Fastus. He's some kind of psychological mastermind, and I went through an entire month and a half of psychology classes and training to be able to do this. I needed to get into contact with him, take him down without getting caught, then report everything to shield so they could take care of the guards and everything else.

My room was also gray. The pop of color that was the propaganda poster that stuck on the wall right in front of my bed nearly scared me.


Probably one of Fastus' methods. You're forced to take in the message.

An itinerary lay on my desk. I checked the clock, it was 3pm. Free time. This was a perfect time to explore more and find where everything was. I copied the demeanor of my peers, which changed when any authority was present. I walked around the building, passing plenty of gyms, classrooms, and even an indoor pool, when eventually I came across a pair of doors with guards standing next to them.

I started to walk slower than usual. I pretended to adjust my glasses, but really activated them. FitzSimmons made these prototypes and suggested I use them on my mission. They worked really well. I could see through the doors, as I turned the corner, but only until the guards suddenly stepped in front of the doors, as if I were going to enter. Which caused a not so pleasant view for me.

What I could see was some kind of device, and a bunch of people in lab coats around it. while it was still fresh in my mind, I took my notepad and pencil out of my pocket and began to draw the scene.

I was looking down and not paying attention, fast walking, and ignoring the chattering around me, when I bumped into someone. I nearly tripped, but stabilized myself. Then I realized the things that were previously in my hand, were now on the floor, and someone was reaching for it.

"That's mine." I said, swiftly snatching the pen and notepad.

The student and I made eye contact. She moved her her dirty blonde hair out of her face, revealing the freckles that ran across her cheeks and nose.

"Jeez new girl. I wasn't gonna steal it." She said, laughing slightly.

"Sorry about that." I sighed, and tried to change the subject. "How'd you know I was new anyway?"

"It's not that hard. There aren't too many of us." She chuckles.


The girl looked me up and down. "I like you. I'm Kris." She puts her hand out for me to shake it.

"Willow." I said, shaking her hand.

Kris was nice (in her own way), but I remembered to not trust anyone. And that meant staying weary of her, even thought it was kind of hard.

I got a lot of information from my lectures, and made sure to take as many notes as I could about their latest plans to use space technology to gain the upper hand against S.H.I.E.L.D.

It was weird and disturbing to listen at how Hydra talked about S.H.I.E.L.D. They spewed this crazy propaganda at kids like crazy. They said that every S.H.I.E.L.D agent deserved to die, which honestly made me really uncomfortable.

The lecture that was the most concerning was my last class of the day, right before lunch. My target, Dr. Fastus came in and gave a psychology lecture. His latest project was a machine that could change the brain chemistry of anyone, and mold them to fit anything he wanted. It used not only electricity, but hypnosis. Everything from subliminal messages to bright visuals. The goal was to overstimulate the brain so much that it would be forced to receive and go about the commands.

It was interesting, but terrifying. I was glad to finally get away from all of it and go to lunch.

I got food and sat down, but didn't eat anything. You never know. Instead I went over my notes.

"Don't tell me you're a nerd."

I looked up to see Kris.

"I rather not fail my classes."


Kris smirked, then smiled, which made me smile. It was genuine too. I caught myself, then made up an excuse to leave.

"I think I'm gonna head to the gym." I said, packing up my things.

"I'll come with you."

Of course.

I didn't feel like trying to get out of this one. Or rather I couldn't.

As I threw my food away and left the lunchroom, two guards stopped me. Then Dr. Fastus stepped from behind them.

"Willow Crawford. Come with me."


1198 words; not proofread; splitting this in two because I won't suffer you guys with another 1000 words lol

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