▪︎Chapter 13▪︎

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The precious bonds


“So, Ranpo-san...” Kunikida spoke after while of dead silence between the two, thought the certain train station they were currently in was quite busy itself.
“Hah?” Ranpo faced his direction, making Kunikida a little confused, wether Ranpo made the 'Hah' sound because he didn't hear him properly due to the noise, or just to let him know that he's listening.
“So, your plan is to get on the train and get the guy there?”
“I see that you understood perfectly.” Ranpo nodded his head giving his coworkers a cheering smile.
Kunikida repayed the nod, yet with bit of unsureness in his head gesture.

What they did before getting them selves all the way to the station was strictly against his principals.
They had to find the poor guy's work place, exact time when his shift ends, stalk him inside the workplace and all the way to the train station, figuring out the most convenient and non suspicious way to do so without dragging to much attention to themselves and not losing the track of him.
It was pure madness!
But it still was nothing compared to what Ranpo planned to happen next. Kunikida trusted the detective with all he had, but the main part of Ranpo's plan - the shady looking notebook - seemed just so off...
It must have been belonging of that Poe-kun guy, yet why was it so important? Why did Ranpo have it? Why did Poe have it?! Come on! It was just a notebook, there must have been something more to it, and that 'something more' scared him. Quite a lot, acually. Besides, all Ranpo had to say about it was "I have a secret weapon", as if the situation wasn't messed up already.
Though his part in Ranpo's plan was basically only leading him around and protect him from potential threat, it was enough to send chills down Kunikida's spine.

"That godforsaken Dazai... How dare he leave me  by myself in this! What is he even doing now?! Still teasing that redhead chihuahua from Port Mafia meanwhile I'm here potentially putting my life on the line?! I'll kill him!"
“The tickets.” Ranpo said suddenly.
“The what?” Kunikida said, confused since his previous thoughts managed to zone him out.
“Tickets. I don't know how to buy them.” Ranpo explained further what he previously said.
“Right.” Kunikida nodded and went to the ticket machine with Ranpo behind him.

The taller blonde has tried to lecture the ravenette detective about buying train tickets, but with no success. Ranpo seemed constantly distracted, glancing to the crowd and the shady notebook. Kunikida figured that Ranpo was trying to stop their culprit, or revised his plan, but it didn't excuse the ignorance he put on against his poor coworker.

When the train arrived and they got in, knowing that there was no backing out now, unless they wanted to try again next day. The plan was set to action immediately.
It had exactly three phases:
First, find culprit and occupy seat either across or next to him - depends on his position -. Second, get him to read the writing inside the notebook while no one is looking or paying attention directly to them. Third, get out of the train and try not to get arrested before getting back to Port Mafia headquarters.
Of course there were flaws and potential risks, for example the whole plan could flop at phase one if the culprit sat in busy area of the train and or no seats were free around him. What would they do then?
Right, plan B when they would have to stalk him around Tokyo before pacifying him in dark alley... Awesome, free ticket to jail or path of regrets.

Kunikida brushed that idea aside. It was not necessarily the next scenario, so keeping his mind opened to fulfill mission by sticking to the plan A would be better.
Luckily for them, Ranpo spotted the pretty fast culprit. It was like a blessing from the sky to see him with two seats across and one next to him empty, it would be way more convenient to capture him this way - as bad as it may sound in given context -.
As the childish being Ranpo is, he scooted over to the seat across their culprit, meanwhile Kunikida sat in the next row.
Ranpo faced his target. He seemed to notice his presence too, yet with clearly less interest.
"Exhausted from work, huh? That will be easier than I thought. Capturing someone with dulled mind should be a piece of cake."
“Good afternoon, sir!” Ranpo greeted him.
“Oh, good afternoon to you too... sir.” culprit greeted him back lazily, pausing to process whether he should address the individual across him as 'kid' or 'sir'
- This minor detail did not escape Ranpo and the guy across him was really lucky to address him they way he did, or else Ranpo would change plan to the dark alley. -
“Why so irritated, sir? Is there something bothering you?” Ranpo said, mocking the tone of a small curious child; thought his intention was to sound most of all annoying.
The culprit paused again. His mind really must have been tired, since he didn't give an immediate response.
“I just had a long day.” he said, making obvious hint that he didn't want to deal with Ranpo and his annoying questions any further.
“That's bad...” Ranpo said, kicking his legs. The man across him was clearly starting to get really disturbed, exactly what Ranpo was seeking. Human mind can't catch details and process situation as sharply if it's blinded by some form of anger. “Here, read this! It sure can cheer you up.” Ranpo handed him the notebook.
"Giving me something to read? How restless is this kid?! But I suppose that a little peak won't hurt, maybe it'll do to make the child shut up."

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