Ya know what I hate?

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I hate a lot of things.
Transphobia, homophobia, sexism, racism, etc., etc.
You name it, I hate it. Most of these idiotic concepts. I can find stuff to hate about just about anything. Its kind of a flaw for me.
But I REALLY hate when people tell me I don't know how I feel. That I'm just trying to find myself. That I'm a girl. That I'm not transgender. "Its just a phase."
I. Fucking. Hate. That.
So thanks a lot, Mom. Thanks a lot, everyone who's ever FUCKING said that. uGH! Go die in a hole, will ya? If you can't accept me and respect my feelings, then don't fucking associate with me because I want nothing to do with your sorry ass.
You know your life's messed up when your friends accept you more than your parents. My mom can't even accept the fact that I wanna change my nickname.
You wanna know what she said to me when I tried to come out?
She said that she knows in her "heart of hearts" that I'm a girl. Fuck. You. Mother. I tried to spill my guts to you. I fucking cried, trying to get over my anxiety enough to fucking tell you! You tell me that I don't tell you stuff anymore. Well that's why!!! You dismiss whatever I feel and make it all about yourself!!! I don't want to hear how you wanted to run around with your shirt off!
I want YOU to listen to ME for once!!! I want you to hear me out! Listen to how I feel! Listen to what I have to say!!! Don't just dismiss me and sum it all up with the idiotic assumption that I'm trying to "find myself" because I'm a teen and don't know where I belong yet!!!!
Seriously, why the hell would you say that?!!!! Why can't you just respect me?!!! Now I have to continue pretending I'm a girl with you. Now I can't even talk to you without getting angry. Furious, even. And you fucking wonder why I'm always mad at you!
Because. You. Don't. Listen!!!! You never listen!!! Ever!!!
I can't talk to you!!! You don't listen to what I'm saying!!!!

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