Opt-out Form

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So, I have a tendency to refuse to do things when I'm told I have to do them, unless required to do them by law or told in a polite way that I have to do them.

Well in first period today, I was told I have to stand for the pledge of allegiance. I have no issues with the pledge besides the "Under God" line. I would have stood after I finished logging into my laptop, like I always do. But this dumbass sub decides she has the right to tell me I have to stand, so I continue sitting.

I inform her that it is illegal for her to require me to stand, because Florida statute states that students have a right to opt out of the pledge. This sub continues on to tell me that we have to fill out a form to be exempt from the pledge, a fact that I know to be false.

So I do some research and find out that yes, there is a form, but that I am not required to fill it out because my school blatantly disobeyed the law by not informing us of our right to opt out or of the existence of a release form. Because the school did not inform us of these things, I am entitled to my right to sit during the pledge without a completed consent form, as stated in Florida statute 1003.44 or something like that. Again, I'm doing this from memory.

Needless to say, I'm a wee bit pissed. Thanks for listening to my ranting. Also, I drew a bad picture of her. Good times, good times.

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