Chapter Two

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I run towards Clemont with my suitcase barely trailing behind me.

"AHH-!" Clemont screams and jumps out of the way. I slam into the wall but its softer than a wall should be?

"you remember when you fell down prism tower within less than a day of being here?" he says helping me up. i take his hand and nod.
"that gave me an idea to make the walls of prism tower safer for accident prone people." he puts his hand behind his head. Wow man! science is so amazing! i don't know HOW he does it but it's so cool!!

"how about we go ahead and get your stuff set up in the guest room." he says, opening the door.

"alrighty! c'mon pikachu!" pikachu hops onto my shoulder. i walk into prism tower with clemont. we walk into the elevator up to the 4th floor.

"this is the same area where bonnie and i stay. so if you need anything we are right across the hallway!" Clemont says opening a door.

"it isn't much but it should be good for your stay, uh don't be surprised if you find a few screws on the ground. this used to be my work space." he laughs, i can see him blush a little.

"Alright! time to get settled!" i jump onto the bed and put my hands behind my head. Clemont laughs.

"i'll be on floor 2 cooking dinner for you and Bonnie. if you need anything don't be shy to ask!" he says, slightly taking off his backpack. he leaves, closing the door behind him. i look out the window to see an amazing sunset over the tall lumiose buildings. stuff like this is rare in kanto, pallet town is such a small town compared to all the cities in kalos. I close the curtain and turn on a lamp.

The room isn't that big, about the size you'd expect for a former study. there are a few dressers, one of which has the photo clemont, serena, and i took at the airport. how long ago was that? like, 1.5 years ago? yeah, that sounds about right! i walk over to the dresser and open a few drawers 'cuz i'm nosey. I see about what you'd expect, screws, screwDRIVERS, wrenches, blueprints, stuff along those lines. But one thing catches my eye.

"oooo! is that clemonts journal?" i whisper to myself. it looks like the ones i'd see him write in every now in then. i contemplate looking through it but, that would be pretty rude. so i don't because i'm a good person >:)

[ *cute lil time skiploom* ]

"Alright pikachu, you ready for bed?" i say, hoping onto the bed. Pikachu squeaks at me and jumps onto the bed too. and i feel my self drift off to sleep...

very short Clemont POV
I open the guest room door to see ash and pikachu fast asleep. i giggle a little, he's always full of energy so you'd never expect him to fall asleep so fast, heh!

"Goodnight, ash...."

[ word count: 512 ]

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