Chapter Eight

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Serena POV

     I'm lucky that I was even able to spare a moment while practicing with delphox and sylveon just to catch the news. Grace, my "mother", called me inside when she saw it.

     "Hey Serena get in here! that science kid you were friends with is on tv!" She yelled smoking a cigarette. I quickly run my way inside to see possibly the next most traumatic thing next to lysandres suicide a few years back. Clemont tied up and gagged, Arceus that was scary.

    "Ash, Serena, Laverre. Help."

"I-I need to go." i mutter. Grace shrugs and blows a smoke ring. I run outside and put sylveon and delphox in their pokeballs.

. . . . . .

I find myself inside the Laverre city pokemon center waiting for Ash and planning. How would I even be able to find him? does he still have his holocaster on him? What if they already-

"Serena!" a familiar voice yells. Ash. I spring up and run into a hug. I feel myself tear up just thinking about how this could've been a reunion for us. Yet there's someone missing, the brains of the bunch. My best friend, Clemont.

     "We need to go, now. If we don't hurry then he could be... nevermind that." i grab his hand and run out of the pokémon center. *bzzt* it's a message on my holocaster, from Clemont.

"im still alive. they're gone right now but not for long. i don't know where i am but my best guess is somewhere near route 14 and laverre. if this is my last message ever please tell ash i love him"

   No sign off, he never does that.

   "What does it say?" Ash peaks over my shoulder. i hide it to keep clemonts confession safe.

"he says he's somewhere between here and route 14." I shove my holocaster in my dress pocket. "let's get going."

            .                .                  .                  .

      With Delphox's ability to sense danger and Sylveon's sense of smell, there's no doubt we could get a lead. It's hard to focus on searching when Ash is talking about how his trip to Galar was. It's like his mind goes a mile a minute. I bring my flashlight towards one of the trees in route 14. I see something small. A Foongus. My first thought is to catch it but Delphox stops me. It grabs its branch and is ready to attack. Sylveon barks at the Foongus. Only then does Ash realize what's going on. Pikachu is already in battle stance, awaiting Ash's command.

    "Oh shit! Did they see me, Foongus?"
     Delphox raises its torch, ready to set fire to the bushes. The Foongus jumps trying to alert its trainer. A scrawny girl peaks up from the bush. she has two buns that look like mushrooms and has some weird glasses that look similar to team flare's.

     "EEK!" she ducks back down into the bushes. Delphox raises its branch and sets fire to the bush. The girl is in shock and springs up with her Foongus. "W-who are you two?! You wanna fight? i'll fight you! i'll win too!!" She motions for her foongus to use a move.

     "Not so fast! Pikachu use quick attack!" Ash commands. Pikachu responds with a confident squeak and slams into the foongus. Spores start coming out of the Foongus. From the looks of it they seem to be a combo of stun spore and sleep powder. I use the collar of my jacket as a mask and run to grab the girl. sylveon uses fairy wind to blow away the spores and runs to my side. sylveon wraps its ribbons around the strange girl.

"Who are you?" i ask, looking her in the eyes. she looks down and pauses.

"i'm thalasia, member of team spore. i should ask you the same." she responds, clearly nervous.

"Whatever, I have a feeling you know where Clemont is. So tell us or we'll rat you guys out to officer Jenny." Ash snaps outside of his usual cheery and confident demeanor. I'm a bit startled by this shift in tone but try not to show it. Thalasia thinks for a moment then defeatedly sighs.

"He's close, I think somewhere near the abandoned mansion. We're holding him there." She answers. I command Sylveon to release her and as soon as it does she and her Foongus run off. I look at Ash and nod. i withdraw all my pokemon except for Delphox.

    "Delphox, use Teleport." I grab onto delphox and Ash. A flash of light consumes my vision and we're there. An ominous, giant mansion looms over us.

     "Over here." Ash points to a window that's slightly open and we crawl through. We fall to the ground with a loud thud.

     "Shit. i hope no one heard us." i whisper. ash nods and we explore the mansion. There's no way we could navigate this whole thing on our own.

      "Serena, look." Ash points to a trail of spores leading to what seems like a ballroom. We rush over and see a silhouette. Their lighting shaped ahoge lightly flowing with the draft of the room. That's him. Without a doubt.

[okay this one is actually my favorite i love it a lot anywaves | Word count: 870]

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