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??????? pov
The thick fog clouds my glasses, making it harder and harder to navigate the dark forest of route 14. it's cold, so cold. I am cautious of my every move, careful not to alert anyone and anything of my presence. I hear the bushes rustle behind me, I jump ready to break into tears at any moment.

"[???????], why are you out here in the forest alone? shouldn't you be with [???]? Come on, let me get you to laverre city. [?????] is here too, don't worry!" a familiar voice speaks. A silhouette emerges from the bushes, offering me a hand. I hesitate, why would [???????] be here with [?????]? They'd both gone missing after the events with team spore, why were they here on route 14? it's all so foggy, how could i truly know it's her?

"N-no, you can't be her! She's gone, and so is [?????]! And-and i'm next." the figure grabs my shoulders, smiling.

"Fuhuhu~ i guess they do call you the kid genius for a reason." she laughs, throwing me to the ground. i wince in pain. I can barely mutter a word, let alone a scream at this point. i am in an unimaginable world of pain. I lay on the forest floor, ready to let nature consume me.

[word count: 215]

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