Chapter 1: The Summoner

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Zoltan walked through the thin waving tree branches in the moonlight. He was looking for precious stones to trade. CLINK! He heard a noise from underneath his foot. He looked down and saw a small blue stone. Reaching down, Zoltan picked it up and started to head back home.

"Give us the summoning stone, and you won't get hurt............NOW!,"

Zoltan jerked up and turned around. He saw two of the Phantom King's evil undead soldiers. Their bodies were nearly transparent, but they each carried a shield with the king's blue fire symbol and a sword. Terrified, Zoltan sped off as fast as he could. He sped around the trees. The angry branches were like claws scraping at his exposed flesh. He burst out onto a plain, covered in numerous cuts, bruises, and scratches.

"Stop!" the phantom warrior shouted.

Zoltan held onto the stone and ran away from them. All of a sudden he heard a booming voice say something and an enormous plant root burst out of the ground and tripped him. It wrapped itself around his leg and wouldn't let go. There was an gigantic explosion around Zoltan, who dropped the stone. He didn't notice it was glowing.

Rays of light shot out of the stone, hitting the plant and dissolving it. When all the rays of light were gone, Zoltan got up. He was surrounded by smoke. Thud! Zoltan looked around in confusion, the fog was being swept away by a amazingly strong wind! Thud! He wondered where the sound was coming from. Thud! Bang! Flinching, Zoltan looked up to see the sun and the silhouette of a, not a bird. A dragon!

A dragon's silhouette was in front of the sun. Suddenly it dove down, buffeting the wind with it's large leathery wings. As it came down, Zoltan saw the amazing creature in more detail. The creature's color was a light blue, the same as the stone. There were four wings instead of the two he had originally seen. Two rows of sharp spikes jutted out from the dragon's scaly back. The dragon's head had small horns sticking out and teeth that were as sharp as a dagger. There was a long tail with the largest spike at the end. The dragon opened its maw and roared at Zoltan. The dragon was as large as a house! Wham! A gigantic storm of dust, grass, rocks, and leaves were blown away as the dragon neared the ground. Zoltan dug into the ground with his heels and wrapped his arms around himself, hoping to protect himself from the flying projectiles. All of a sudden the dragon's wings bent in the air and the dragon crashed to the ground.

Zoltan worriedly ran to the spot he had last seen the dragon. The two soldiers were shooting at the struggling dragon with their arrows. The arrows all bounced off the dragon's scaly skin. There was a enormous burst of blue flame around the soldiers who started to dissolve. As they dissolved, small specks of gold floated out of their bodies and vanished in the air. The dragon roared it's challenge for all to hear. It then advanced toward Zoltan.

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