3. Fallout

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(Author's Note: Dedicated to @Jinnis one of my oldest friends on Wattpad, and her fantasy story for the ONC2023, Dragon & Dreamer)

It should have been easy, a simple execution. Something had gone wrong.

Bogdan Veitch checked his wristcom for the sixth time in as many minutes. But the screen was as blank as the last five times he'd checked.

He was reluctant to entertain the possibility that Wyte had failed. After all, four men against one, how hard could it be? but it was becoming increasingly likely that something had gone horribly wrong. He couldn't understand it. The men Wyte had chosen to accompany him on the job were all experienced, perhaps not the brightest stars in the sky but well able to shoot straight, and without asking too many questions either.

The wristcom buzzed once against his wrist, giving him a start, but it was merely a reminder that he had a meeting in five minutes.

He tried to think of a valid reason for the delay. Sure, Denny Wyte liked a drink as much as the next man, but he had been told to report back to Bogdan immediately the job was finished, not faff around having a drink or two afterwards with his mates. And to be honest, Bogdan didn't really believe that's what they were doing. Especially as the second half of their payment was due to be made after the job was done.

Perhaps the target hadn't turned up on time as expected and they were still in hiding, keeping quiet, waiting to spring the trap. Now that was far more likely.

He checked his wristcom again. Damn! The time had just slipped away from him. He was going to be late for his meeting. Bogdan shrugged into his jacket and hurried out of the room, he'd have to follow up with Wyte later.


Frank Yelt was sitting behind his desk when his nephew knocked, studying the screen on his console unit. He spoke without raising his head.

"Come in Bogdan, have a seat. I'll be with you in a moment."

Bogdan seated himself in the chair provided in front of the desk and tried to be patient as Yelt continued to look at his screen. Damn it, he was only a few minutes late. The old man didn't have to do the whole power trip thing on him. He was his only nephew for star's sake, and he'd be the one taking over the business, eventually.

He studied his uncle as he worked the console unit. He was getting old. His face was scored with a myriad of lines and his hair had now gone quite grey. Bogdan wondered, not for the first time, why he hadn't taken the trouble to have his skin repaired and his hair restored to its natural colour. So easy to do these days. He noted the thickening body, which had been trim and active only a few years ago. That's what sitting behind a desk for too long did for you. Not a mistake he, Bogdan, was going to make if he had any say in it. No, he was going to be a hands-on boss, when he got the job.

His left hand began to drum impatiently on his knee, out of his uncle's sight. How much longer was this going to take? He had things to do and people to see. Of far more importance than sitting here, waiting for his uncle to come to the point.

Eventually, Yelt looked up from his console unit and addressed his nephew with a serious expression.

"Bogdan, we're bleeding credits out of our arse."

"What?" Bogdan was startled. This was the last thing he had expected to hear.

"I've just been checking the invoices for the TriVid business and they're short by several hundred. Someone is syphoning off the money before it gets to us. A few credits here, a few credits there, only small amounts each time, but they add up. I've brought in an expert to track down where the money's going and who's ripping us off. He'll be questioning all our staff so I thought you should know."

Bogdan was genuinely outraged.

"Someone is stealing from us? It's hard to believe anyone would be so stupid! Don't they know who they're dealing with?"

"Well, they're not going to get away with it for much longer, that's for sure!" Yelt smiled grimly.

"How long has this been going on, do you know?" Bogdan couldn't help thinking this wouldn't have happened under his watch. Maybe it was time for Frank to think about retiring.

"For the last three months at least, maybe longer. Joyce will find out."


"The guy I've got investigating."

"You can trust him?"

"With my life, or rather, his life. He knows better than to try and cheat me."

Bogdan nodded. "When does he start?"

"Yesterday," Yelt grinned. "He's already got a couple of leads."

"He has? Who?" Bogdan felt suddenly uneasy. Why hadn't he been told about this before? Surely, as the heir apparent, he should have been kept in the feed?

"I'll let you know when I have something definite to tell you."


"He's still investigating at the moment, and I want to be absolutely certain I have the right person before I... act."

The utter lack of expression on his uncle's face as he spoke, sent a cold chill across the back of Bogdan's neck. He cleared his throat and nodded again. "Right."

"Oh, and one more thing, just before you arrived, I had a call from the East Street Police. Apparently, one of our old warehouses has been used for some sort of gang shootout. They found four bodies inside, still to be identified. Some sort of gang war I expect, but I had to assure them I knew nothing about it."

Bogdan swallowed.

"Four men? All dead?"

"Indeed. We haven't used that warehouse for nearly a year but I suppose we can't have people breaking in and getting themselves shot. It doesn't look good. You'd better go over there and make sure the building is secure. Attend to any damage that's been done."

Bogdan got slowly to his feet, feeling as if he'd been punched in the stomach. "Of course, Uncle Frank."

Frank Yelt waited until Bogdan left, then checked his console unit again. Where the devil was Finn? What was he doing? He hadn't checked in all day, and he had a new job for him.

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