19. Encounter

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(Author's Note: this chapter is dedicated to  Nacht_Owl and all the other wonderful people who support our ONC stories without having one in the race themselves. Thank you!)

Paul went back to where the cave divided in three and took the right-hand option. His hopes rose as the passage turned further to the right, soon leading into another large chamber. Surely, there must be an exit to the outside world from here, but he could see no signs of daylight coming in. When he turned off his helmet lamp for a minute, everything was dark. Apparently, this chamber was enclosed, except for passages leading in and out.

He crawled through the tunnel ahead, bringing his pack around to the front of his body to stop it catching on rocky protrusions. The space narrowed and he only just managed to squeeze through, though he had to unfasten his pack and push it ahead of him. He had a sudden nightmarish picture of Rik trying to do this sort of thing in the pitch black and shuddered in sympathy, he was finding it difficult enough to persevere wearing the helmet. He certainly wasn't looking forward to reversing if the space became impassable.

He could hear nothing except for his own harsh breathing. He had no idea what was happening behind him, he could only hope Rik was managing to keep Kam at bay. He struggled on, pausing every few metres to peer over the top of the bag, to check that the way ahead was passable. How much time had passed? It felt like hours but was probably only minutes, in reality.

He stopped. Was that daylight ahead? He turned off his lamp and was sure he could see light, faint but present, glowing palely at the end of the tunnel. Spurred on, he scrabbled faster until he came out, puffing and panting into another chamber. He'd lost some skin on the way, and his clothes were torn, but it was worth it.

Sunlight poured in through a hole in the roof, shining on the pile of rubble and a few hardy plants which had fallen through into the cave.

Paul slung his bag onto his back and climbed up, reaching for hand holds and pulling himself to the top. Cautiously, he peered over the edge, scanning the surroundings for anyone who might be watching. He was on the top of a rise, looking down toward scrub and rocks. He thought the cave entrance where Rik waited was around to his right, not quite visible from his current position. No people in sight. He eased himself out onto the slope and, keeping low, began to pick his way back to the cave entrance. Ah, there it was, exactly where he had expected.

He froze.

Between himself and the entrance, he could see a man, taking cover behind a large rock. His back was to Paul and his arm was raised, ready to fire. Green rays shot from his weapon to the cave, slicing a layer of rock from the top of the entrance. It hit the ground in a small cloud of dust.

Paul swore silently. That was a laser gun, not a stunner. Laser guns were illegal and banned from use, but somehow, someone could always get hold of one if they tried hard enough. The rays could cut a person in half. As far as Paul was concerned, anyone who used a laser gun had earned the right to lethal force in reply. Kam had crossed a line.

He couldn't tell if Rik had been hit or not. Though the fact that Kam was still firing gave him hope.

Paul rose to his full height, drew a blade from his belt in one smooth action and threw it at Kam. The knife buried itself to the hilt in Kam's back and he fell forward with a grunt.

Keeping his eyes on the prone figure, Paul crept forward. The figure hadn't moved and Paul was fairly sure he was dead, but he bent to check. That movement saved his life.

A murderous stunner beam hit his pack, instead of his chest, which had been in that place only a microsecond earlier. Paul dropped instantly to the ground and lay still, furious with himself.

There was a second shooter. How could he have been so careless as to assume Kam had come alone?

He heard the faint hiss of another stunner shot, followed by a scuffle, and then running feet. Paul grabbed hold of the laser gun and waited. Much as he disliked the weapon, he'd use it if he had to.

Then he heard Rik's voice, breathless as he ran toward him. "Paul? Are you okay? Are you hit?"

Paul dropped the laser gun and got quickly to his feet.

"I'm fine. They missed." He reached out to pull Rik into a quick hug, then let him go.

Rik was lit up. His eyes bright with success. "I got him! I shot Kam with the stunner, when he turned to fire at you."

"You shot Kam? But-"

"Yep. I was tempted to switch to the kill setting but I held off. He's on the ground back there, unconscious. I'll show you."

Both men walked over and stared down at the prone figure. He was lying on his back, face up, and they could see that it was definitely Kam. He was still breathing. Paul restrained him with some ties from his damaged pack, while his mind ticked over.

"Well, if that's Kam, then who did I kill?"

"You killed someone?" Rik swallowed.

"When I came out from the caves, someone was shooting at you with a laser gun. I thought it was Kam."

"There must have been two of them, then."

"Evidently, he had an accomplice. Let's have a look."

Rik close on his heels, Paul went back to the man he'd knifed and turned him over.

A familiar face stared back at him with wide, empty eyes.

Rik's eyes met Paul's, suddenly anxious.

"But I know him. That's Yelt's nephew, Bogdan Veitch, isn't it?"

"Yes, it is. Fuck!"

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