13. The Trap

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(Author's Note: This chapter is dedicated to MarCafeWrites and her charming story for the ONC223, A Bartender's Guide to Paying it Forward.)

Paul woke the next morning with a clear head. Finally! He lay there for a few moments, letting the events of the last couple of days settle and crystallize.

Mikel was dead. That was the first thing. And judging by the conversation he'd had with Rik Maddon the night before, Mikel hadn't been the man he'd thought he was. At the very least, he'd been playing off two lovers at the same time. Not only that, it seemed evident he'd supplied the drugs which had cost Paul his memory temporarily and Mikel his own life. What he couldn't understand yet, was why. What had been the purpose?

He'd come home earlier than expected after the attempted ambush in that old warehouse, and now, looking back, he remembered thinking Mikel had been surprised to see him. He recalled what Rik Maddon had told him the previous evening, and suddenly everything fell into place.

"I was supposed to visit him here, last night. He was going to call me to confirm, but he never did."

Rik Maddon had been the target, the man who was supposed to have been drugged along with Mikel, the man the Patrol was supposed to discover next to the bag of money. But then he had come home early and thrown a spanner in the works. The planted money had become meaningless, because it was unconnected to Paul. It wasn't his DNA that had been found inside the bag. It had been a trap for Maddon, but Paul had sprung it.

He wondered where Rik was now.

And perhaps more importantly, who was the man who had come to his door last night and tossed a gas canister into the room? Paul had only caught a glimpse of his face before the mask had gone up, but he didn't think it was anyone he knew.

His musings were interrupted by a loud knock on his front door and a corresponding chime from his entrance panel.

He sprang to his feet and realised he was still wearing the clothes he'd put on the day before. He'd fallen asleep as soon as he hit the bed. They were a bit creased but clean enough to be presentable, he thought. But this time he wasn't going to open the door until he knew exactly who was on the other side.

He saw a well-dressed man in his forties with an impatient frown on his face as he waited for Paul to respond. Two men in suits stood behind him.

"Yes? Can I help you?" Paul spoke into the panel.

"I'm Chris Maddon. I'd like to speak to my son, please." So that was Rik's father. He could see the family resemblance now.

"I'm sorry, but he's not here."

"Well, his wristcom is. Can I come in and see for myself?"

"Of course," Paul opened the door and Chris Maddon stepped inside, his eyes flicking over Paul. He didn't seem very impressed with what he saw and Paul wished he'd had time to shower and change. He was wondering where to start with his explanation when Maddon exclaimed.

"There. Is that Rik's 'com on the floor?" He bent to pick something up from under the table, then stared accusingly at Paul. "This is Rik's. So where is my son?"

"It's a long story," Paul answered. He looked at the men in suits, standing in the corridor with watchful expressions. "Are those men with you? Would they like to come in?"

Maddon nodded in their direction and they crowded into the room. Chris Maddon didn't introduce them. One of them stood just behind his boss, keeping his eyes on Paul, and the other made a quick search of the apartment. He shook his head when he came out and took up a post on the other side of Maddon.

"Rik was here last night," said Paul. "He came to ask me about Mikel Byron. Did you know they were in a relationship?"

Chris Maddon gave a tight nod. "Yes. I heard the boy died, just a couple of nights ago. A drug overdose, wasn't it?"

"That's what they say. He was found here, with me, and Rik wanted to know the details. It seems Mikel was playing us both off against each other."

Chris Maddon didn't look surprised. "I never really took to Byron," he muttered. "Too smooth by half. But where is Rik now? Why did he leave his wristcom here?"

"I didn't realise his 'com was still here. I think someone took him last night. Took him against his will."

For the second time, Chris Maddon didn't look as surprised as Paul would have expected.

"That would be the reason for the ransom demand, then," he said drily. "The one I received half an hour ago."

Well, that explained the bodyguards, thought Paul. "Would you like to sit down?" he invited. "I have quite a bit to tell you, which might be important."

Chris Maddon took a seat at the table and prepared to listen, as Paul sat opposite and told him what had happened, starting with the events of two nights ago.

"I think Rik was the target and when that scheme failed, whoever was behind it, switched to the kidnapping plan. I could be wrong, but it seems personal to me, all that effort to frame him. Does Rik have any enemies?"

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