21. Resolutions

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"Mr Yelt?" his secretary popped her head nervously around the door. Yelt glared at her, he had muted his wristcom precisely because he didn't want to be interrupted.

"What?" he growled.

"Paul Finn is here, and he insists on speaking to you."

"He does, does he? Well, he's got nerve, I'll give him that."

Finn came in, even as Yelt spoke.

"You dare to show your face here? After murdering my nephew?" The quietness of his voice was even more menacing than if he'd shouted, but Paul held his ground.

"Veitch planted tracers on my vehicle, followed me to my destination and was armed with a laser gun. I consider it was self defence."

"So you say!"

"But I've come to report on the task you set me."

"What?" Yelt was disconcerted.

"The missing credits."

"What about them?"

"One of your staff has something important they'd like to tell you."

Paul went to the door and ushered in Jone Mink. She had a resolute expression on her face even though her hands were trembling.

"Please sir, I have to confess, I can't take the pressure from Mr Veitch any longer."


Paul left them to it. His job was done and he wanted nothing more than to go home, have a long hot shower and change into clean clothes. Then he'd walk along to his local bar and have a few drinks. Tomorrow he'd have to look for a new assignment.

He wondered how Rik was faring. Several time he had been tempted to call him but he held back. They were too different. The way they had each handled their attackers was clear proof of that. Rik had stunned his opponent but Paul had gone for the kill. Not that he had any regrets. In fact, he would have killed Kam as well if he'd had the opportunity.

He was mulling over the day for the tenth time and sipping his drink when he saw Rik coming toward him, clean and tidy, with a smile on his lips.

"I thought I might find you here."

"What do you want?" asked Paul, rather roughly.

Rik's smile got wider. "You. I mean, a chance to get to know you better."

"I'm not sure that's a good idea," said Paul, defensively. "We come from such different worlds."

Rik put his arms around Paul's waist and drew him into an embrace. "I'm not sure, either. But let's see how it goes, shall we?"

(Author's Note: And so we come to the end of another ONC!
Number 6 for me and another totally wild ride. Not so much romance in this one (sorry), there was more of an action focus this time.
Word count - excluding author's notes - is 20,168 according to Wattpad)

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