Rainy Dayz (Four x Reader)

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Context: Its a rainy day and Four visits you cuz they can

Y/N's POV:
It's been pouring out for what feels like hours. I could hear the rain splashing from outside the window. I tried to take a nap, but the rain was too loud.

As I stood up to get my phone to play some white noise, I noticed something peculiar about my wall.

"Since when was my wall blue?"

Then a face grew on the wall, startling the crap out of me only to realise that Four was in the wall, 2 seconds after I just saw my life flash before my eyes.

"Four, that's not funny." I said, still trying to catch my breath.

Four emerged from the wall, and became their usual form. The wall returned to its normal colour. "I wasn't trying to be funny, but ok." he sighed. I was still confused about why he would randomly hide in the wall and scare me like that. "Why were you in my wall?" I asked the adorable number. He scratched his head. "I just felt like visiting you, and I knew that it was gonna rain, so I hid in the walls to stay dry." Well, that kinda makes sense, considering that algebraliens are not very fond of getting wet.

"Sorry if I scared you." Four apologised for giving me what I consider a "near death experience." They obviously did. Four then hopped his small, chubby body onto the couch and made himself comfy. I sighed from exhaustion as he shedded all over my just cleaned couch. I couldn't blame him. Spring was coming any moment, Four was gonna be a shedding a heck ton of fur for a while.

I sat next to Four on the couch, which was now immersed in hair. He looked so content. "Holy frick frack crackerjack tic tac 2 pac weave snatched, he's the cutest thing to ever exist." I whispered to myself.

Four nuzzled his head against me cutely. I reached my hand out and gently caressed Four's incredibly soft fur. Four purred as he felt his beloved fur getting attention. He's so precious and fluffy, I didn't think I'll ever stop petting him! Four took my hand and softly closed his eyes as he rested his chubby blue cheek onto it. I had no choice. I reached out my other hand and continued to pet him.

As I felt myself close my eyes as well, a loud boom of lightning filled the room. The power went out. Four got really upset and scared from the noise. They let out the most loudest, ear piercing screech that I never even knew they could make, before running off in fear.

I reached out and picked up my phone to use as a flashlight as I looked for the startled number. I opened the cabinet, and found the small, distressed number curled up into a ball, hiding in a large bowl. Four was shaking, whimpering, and on the verge of tears. Poor baby.

I turned off the flashlight of my phone, knowing that shining it onto their face won't help at all. "Four," I whispered, "it's ok, it's just thunder." Four turned around, unwantingly shedding all over the bowl. Frick, I needed that for cooking. He looked at me with his big round eyes as he clenched onto his nub-like ears and hid the rest of his face into his fluff. I knew that algebraliens have really strong hearing. The thunder may not seem loud to me, but for Four, it must've be really distressing.

I picked him up from the bowl to pet and comfort him. Four shivered in fear as his hair started to stand up at end. I put earplugs into his ears and held him gently. "You're ok, Buns." I affirmed them. "Buns" is a nickname that I give Four. (Let's be real, Four does kinda look like a bunny, mostly because of his ears)

"You're safe, the thunder won't hurt you." Four was still distressed. "But it's loud." the alien murmured under his plush fur.
"I know, but it will be over soon."

After a bit of comfort, Four started to calm down as the hair on his body softened. "Wanna watch BFDI together?" Four's ears perked up when they heard me say that. "That's my number!"

Luckily, I have underground cable, so I still had cable. Four sat next to me and my laptop, happy to watch his hyperfixation with me as the brightness of the laptop shined onto him. After watching about 61 episodes, Four and I finally fell asleep.

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