Insecure (Six x Nine)

770 13 11

Haha 69 👹

Author's Note: This oneshot takes place after the 2 million subscriber special.

Six's POV:

We told Four about Ten's death, (but not how he died, we don't wanna traumatise him any more than he already is) and he recovered him afterwards. "Ten! We missed you!" everyone cheered.

Ten sighed happily. "It's good to be back. Thank you for recovering me Four." Ten gave Four a headpat of gratitude. "Anytime Ten!" Four giggled.

Ten's smile then switched to a confused look. "Where's Nine?" he asked. Everyone else started looking at eachother.

Seven scratched her head, trying to describe it in words. "Well she.." "She's upset about something. It's hard to explain it in words, but it had to do with the bag she had on her head earlier before you died." Five huffed.

"Upset?" Ten asked in concern. "Is she ok?" I sighed. "Yeah, I'll go talk to her. I will be right back." Everyone nodded as I went to Nine's house.

I knocked softly. "'s me Six." I said.


"Can I at least come in? We're worried for you." I asked. Nine finally answered. "Hmph...Fine! But don't look at me, I'm hideous!" she replied. I didn't know how to respond to that. So I just said nothing else and went inside.

Nine had a blanket wrapped around her. It seems like she was trying to her face, especially with all the bruises, scratches, and missing fur patches on her face. She was obviously still upset.

I sat next to her, trying not to make eye contact. "Hey! I said don't look at me!" Nine whined. "I'm not looking at you, geez." I said. Nine continued to wrap her blanket around her. "Why are you here, Six?" Nine muttered.

"Four recovered Ten, and they asked about where you were. Everyone's worried." I told her. "But I'm ugly..." she muttered. "Why do you all still want me?"

"Nine, you're not ugly." I said. "YES I AM!" Nine yelled, accidentally turning to me and revealing her injured face. She then noticed what she did and got more anxious. "Why did I just do that?" she asked herself. She hugged her legs and buried her face in her knees.

I put my hand on Nine's back, gently stroking her soft, white fur. "Nine, please don't do this to yourself." I said. "You're a really cool algebralien. And you know that." Nine just mumbled in disbelief. "Look at me. My face is all beat up. And I have bald patches. Don't lie like that, Six. You're just saying that to make me feel better."

She kept her blanket wrapped around her body. I continued to gently stroke Nine's fur. "I'm not. Listen Nine." I turned Nine towards me. She trembled a bit. I swear I heard her mutter out, "I look like death."

"You are an amazing algebralien, and you know that. Even if you're injured, and without your sunglasses, you are still very beautiful. All that matters is that you have such a kind, funny personality, and are very fun to be around."

Nine looked at me. "Can I have a hug?" she asked. "Of course, come here." Nine hesitated, but then wrapped her arms around me as she burst into tears. "I'm sorry Six! I'm sorry!" she sobbed into my chest.

I pat her head, avoiding her wounds since they looked like they hurt. "No, there's no need to apologize." I said, hugging her back. "You're ok." I continued to stroke her fur as she cried into my chest. "Can I stay like this for a bit?" she asked between sniffles. "I really need this right now..."

I hugged her tighter. "I know you do. That's why I'm here." Nine looked up at me. "Really?" she asked. "Yeah, I care for you. And you know that." Nine buried her face back into my chest. "Thank you..." she sniffled and nuzzled her cheek against my fur.

After a while, Nine stopped crying. "I also have a lil something for you." I said, handing her a new pair of sunglasses, just like her old one. "This is for me?" she asked, her pupils enhanced. I nodded, watching her put them on. Nine kissed me out of excitement. "Thank you so much, Six!" she giggled happily. "You're welcome, Nine." I replied, patting her head gently.

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