It felt lonely without you (Four x Reader)

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Context: you went on a week long vacation, and Four missed you so much and got lonely.

Y/N's POV:

"I'm home!" I called out as I opened the door, expecting Four to run to me and give me a hug the minute they heard me. They didn't.

"Four?" I called again. Nothing. I put my bag on the floor and searched around the room, calling out Four's name.

I heard soft whimpers coming from my bedroom. "Oh dear." I thought to myself as I headed towards the bedroom. "He's crying, isn't he?"

I slowly opened the door and walked in slowly. He was crying.

Four was lying in my bed, shaking. He had eye bags under his eyes, which were also filled with tears, his fur was all matted, both of his ears were drooped downwards, and he wasn't as chubby as he usually is. He was also wearing one of my sweatshirts, even though he never wears clothes.

I sat down next to him. "Sweetie." I said softly. "What happened? You ok?" Four got up slowly and buried their face into my chest and bawled.

"I missed you Y/N!" he sobbed loudly. "I thought you weren't gonna come back!" I put my hand on his ear. "I know, it's been a while. But I was only on vacation for just a week." Four looked up at me. "But it felt like longer.." he sniffled. Their fur was so matted to the point where their tears couldn't even soak into it. He buried his face back into my chest. "Why didn't you just f**king bring me with you?"

I put my hand on his cheek. "First off Four, watch your language. We don't say that word here. Second off, people probably wouldn't understand you like me and other people you know do. Many people don't even know what algebraliens even are."

"Then you could've just told them that I was a deformed chinchilla or something." Four muttered. I sighed. "The hotel didn't allow pets either, and they would probably euthanise you if I did that."

Four nuzzled their cheek into my chest, crying as they furiously slamming their fists. The sweatshirt was so big on him that the sleeves extended over their hands. I stroked his fur. It was incredibly knotted, and barely even soft anymore. Not to mention, algebralien hair isn't even that long.

"When was the last time you brushed your fur?" I asked, my fingers were starting to get tangled in the knots. "Before you left." he sniffled. "I know that I can always brush it myself, but I like it more when you do it."

"How about we do that now?" I asked. "Ok.." he whimpered, wiping his tears. Four took the sweatshirt off and followed me to the bathroom. The fur that was being covered by the sweatshirt was just as matted as the fur that wasn't.

I took out the hairbrush and picked up the number, examining his coat. It was so tangled and greasy. I tried brushing a knot out. The brush unexpectedly ended up ripping out a tuft of fur from his skin. Shockingly, it didn't leave a bald spot on him. Four started crying again from the pain.

"Oh my god, Four!" I gasped. "Are you ok?" Four whimpered and shivered in my arms. "That hurt alot." he sobbed quietly. "I'm so sorry." I said. I took a spray bottle out. "Your fur is so matted, I might have to get it a bit wet to make it easier to brush if that's ok with you." I told Four, knowing that algebraliens don't really like getting wet.

Four nodded. "Ok I guess." he replied. I sprayed some water on him to dampen his fur a bit. I brushed him again. This time, it was much easier. Four purred happily. He loves it when I brush and pet him.

I watched as the brush untangled each knot, leaving a soft and fluffy coat of blue fur behind. When I was finally done, I put the brush away and placed Four back on the floor. I heard his stomach grumble. "You haven't eaten either, haven't you." Four sighed and shook his head.

"Alright, let's feed you now." Four walked to the couch and hopped on as I went in the cabinet, pulling out a bag of pretzels. Four likes pretzels, so I thought he would be craving some. I watched him gobble the whole bag down. He licked the crumbs off himself.

"You feeling better?" I asked him. Four nodded happily and hugged me. "I love you so much, Y/N!" he purred. "I love you too, Fourzy!" I replied with a smile. I began to pet him. "Your fur is so adorable." I said, as I stroked it. "It is?" He asked, blushing. "Yes." I replied. "It's very silky too." Four purred again. After a while longer of petting, Four fell asleep. I smiled at their cuteness.

"Rest well, sweetie." I whispered. "You deserve it."

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