Stress (Two x Reader)

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Y/N's POV:

"9:00 already?" I thought to myself while looking at the clock. "Time really does fly by..." I started to get changed in my pyjamas, brushed my teeth, washed my face, and got ready for bed while waiting for Two to come back from hosting.

"Two should be here any minute now." I hopped onto my bed. I heard the door open from outside the bedroom and Two walked in. "I'm back, Y/N..." they muttered in their usual British accent. Just by the way they said that, and how they walked in, I could tell they had a stressful day.

"Good evening, Two." I said, as they got ready for bed as well. "It was another long day, wasn't it?"
Two nodded and flopped on the bed next to me. They were all exhausted with their tired eyes and messy fur.

"You wanna talk about it?" I asked them comfortingly. Two sat up and mumbled. "Yeah..I guess."

"Well, I really shouldn't consider it THAT stressful. Luckily I didn't mess up on the rules and got the living heck beat outta me by the contestants again, heh...It was just...ya know...a lot..."

"Did something happen that really upset you?" I asked the British snake lesbian. They shook their head. "Not really, other than the contestants getting a little out of control. Especially Robot Flower. I don't even know how to explain it in words, but....something must've happened to her in the challenge before because she's gone all coo-coo."

"That must've been stressful for you." I said to them. Two nodded. "It was. But on the bright side, Four and I seem to be patching things up since I hired him and X as the hotel chefs." they smiled a bit.

"That's good to know..." I replied. "Speaking of which, how's Four doing lately? Has he been giving you any hard times?"

Two shook their head. "Not as much anymore. He still has some hard feelings towards me, even though our rivalry isn't as big as it once was. So I'm just letting him take his time to accept me completely."

"I understand, I'm glad you and Four are starting to get along." I said, hugging Two gently while stroking their fur. "Me too." Two replied. They started to yawn. "I'm just so tired..." Two rested their head on my chest.

"I know...get some rest, love. We don't have anything to do today. So you have all day to rest..."

Two smiled and closed their eyes. "I love you, Y/N..." they whispered softly as we fell asleep together.

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