Sick Day (Sick Four x X)

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My First 4x story!

Four's POV:

I layed down on my bed in exhaustion. I wasn't feeling well today. My nose was runny, and I could rarely breathe through my left nostril. I had a post nasal drip, causing troubles with screeching, and just talking in general. My body felt weak and cold. Ever since I woke up this morning, I was constantly blowing my nose and coughing up mucus.

"So cold..." I murmured as I covered myself with a blanket and nuzzled into my fluffy fur, trying to keep warm. My body shivered with cold as I blew my nose. I called out for X.

"X?" I muttered. "I don't feel well.." I heard X walk in. "Is everything alright?" I heard them ask in their adorable, high pitched voice. "Yeah..." I groaned weakly. "I'm sick."

"Sick?" X gasped in concern. "Yeah.." I replied as I coughed up some more mucus. "There's cold medicine in the cabinet. Can you get some for me please?" I pointed towards the cabinet where I kept the medicine. X nodded and brought the medicine to me. I sat up and they handed me the medicine.

"Thanks X." I smiled as I took the medicine. "You're welcome Four." X said. "I just really hope you feel better soon." I finished taking the medicine and looked up at the yellow furred algebralien. "Don't worry X. I will be ok."

"I know." X sighed as he put the medicine back in the cabinet. "It's're my best friend Four. And it sucks to see you like this." God he's such a wholesome soul.

I sat up and looked at X. "Is there anything else I can do for you, Four?" X asked me. "Thanks X." I smiled. "But, I think I'm just gonna go take a warm bath. That usually helps." "Ok." X said.

As an algebralien, I'm not very fond of getting my fur wet, but I just want to at least try to feel at least a bit better.

I stood up and placed the blanket aside. I headed to the bathroom and blew my nose again. I've been blowing my nose so much, that I was getting a rash on my nose, as well as mucus stains on my soft fur. I sat by the bathtub and turned the water on.

I felt the refreshing steam fill my nose. "Ahh... that feels good." I sighed. Once the tub filled up with water, I stepped into the tub and sat down. It felt refreshing and soothing. My fur rippled gently in the warm water and steam cleared my nostrils. I started to purr a bit.

"This is so nice..." I purred gently, sinking deeper into the water. I began to close my eyes as I breathed in the steam and let the warm water soak my fluffy blue body.

I layed down peacefully as I stroked my fur as it rippled under the water. After a few moments, I got out of the water. I drained the hot water and stepped out.

My fur was really heavy, just like every other time it got wet. I murmured as I got a towel and dried myself off as much as possible. I still felt sick, but my nose was at least a bit cleared out and my fur was warmed and fluffed up from the warm water.

"How was the bath?" X asked. "It felt great!" I said. "I feel a bit better now. But do you mind staying here with me while I am sick? You know I get lonely easily." X giggled. "Of course, Four! Anything to make you feel happy and safe!"

I smiled. "Thanks X, I really appreciate it." I said as I sat back down and wrapped the blanket around my body.

X sat down by me and cuddled with me. I felt relaxed and safe. I almost forgot I was even sick. It was amazing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09 ⏰

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