🐺 A Little Suprise 🐺

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Hello Again Readers! <3 I hope you have/had a good day and if you won't/didn't then many more stories r in here to cure it :)

I walked off the circle and to my classmates and they all crowded around me except two people. I couldn't see who walked off somewhere, but Bakugo just stood at the side.

"Y/n that was amazing!"

"How are you so fast?!"

"Can you teach me how to move so fast!"

"Y/n you're so cool!"

"Thank you guys so much and of course I can teach you the movement!" I smiled and turned back to Aizawa-Senpai. And the rest of the class followed.

"Ok, everyone, since King Vlad is injured from his previous mission he won't teach you guys today so you have a free period."
"You can do whatever just don't cause any ruckus." Aizawa-Senpai said and walked off.

'Probably to take a nap in his yellow sleeping bag.' I thought and giggled, no one heard me though.

"Yay, see ya guys!" Momo and Uraraka said as they sped off in a direction. The rest off the class went their seperate ways leaving me trying to find the person who walked off earlier.

◦•●◉✿New Quirk Unlocked✿◉●•◦
𝗔𝗽𝗽𝗲𝗮𝗿𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗲 - Your eyes turn green in this one and you have a small dark green star for your pupil.
𝗥𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗼𝗻 - You use this vision mostly for missions, you can see footsteps and finger prints anywhere expect in the air {obvi-}.

I use my print vision and start following the footprints to a secluded part of the garden.
It was filled with cherry blossoms, flowers, trees and plants.

Under a tree I saw someone with their head buried in between their knew and their knees up to their chest. I recognized their Yellow hair with a black streak in it.

I turned off my print vision and slowly walked to Denki trying not to startle him. "Hey Denki, are you alright?" I asked him softly as I sat beside him on the soft grass.

His head shot up and I saw his wide eyes, which were a bit puffy and red from crying. "Are you okay?" I asked putting a hand on his shoulder to comfort him.

His bottom lip trembled while trying to speak. "N-No, I'm not f-fine Y/n..." He said as his voice broke in the middle of his sentence.

I hugged him and he hugged back right away. I started humming a song my mom and dad used to sing to me and started rubbing circles on his back.

After 3 minutes of me calming him down and him stop crying I asked "Mind telling me why you were crying? Of course if you're not comfortable with the topic I can let it go." I said as I softly smiled at him.

I noticed a small blush on his cheeks and him smiling back at me and saying

"I-It's ok, I was crying because I saw everyone else fighting and after me losing to Tsu, I felt so weak. I was wondering if I really belonged in this class and if I'm really capable of being a hero. I can't even control my quirk, it just goes haywire whenever I try and control it." He said as he looked at the ground.

"Hey, look at me." I said and his head looked up at me. "You should never think you're too weak, everyone in this class loves being with you and your crazy, but funny and unique personality. Including me. If you ever feel your too weak you should remind yourself of your goal. Got it?" I said with confidence and comfort with a smile.

"Thank you again Sunshine." Denki said and then realised that he just called you his n/n for you. "I-Im so sorry!" "I shouldn't have said that." He said his face went fully red.

You just giggled at his flustered face, 'Her giggle is so cute!' Denki thought as you said that it's ok and you liked the nickname.

You held out a hand for him to help him up and he gladly took it. You guys walked back to class unaware of the surprise waiting for you.

Little did they know that something happened when they were having their moment.

✨🐺𝗜𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗵𝗲𝗮𝘃𝗲𝗻𝘀 𝗮𝗯𝗼𝘃𝗲 𝟭𝟱
           𝗺𝗶𝗻𝘂𝘁𝗲𝘀 𝗯𝗲𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗲 🐺✨

𝗙𝗲𝗹𝗶𝘅'𝘀 𝗣𝗢𝗩
I've been all over the L/N's mansion and I can't find Y/n anywhere. 'Where is she?...' I thought and an idea came into my head and I rushed to her parents guardian animals,
thinking they might know where she went.

When I reached into our little clubhouse I found Gucci and Athena eating and Brady sleeping in the water.

"Hey Athena, hey Gucci. Do you know where Y/n is? I looked all over the house." I said while I pouting 'I want food too.' I thought.

"Yeah, our masters said she went down to Earth." Gucci said.
"Ohh ok, If you ever need me, I'll be down on earth!" I said and ran off while transforming into a wolf to camouflage in the forest.

Gucci and Athena quietly laughed, careful to not wake up the sleepy shark. "He is so childish." Athena said and they went to sleep in their beds.

          ✨🐺𝗧𝗶𝗺𝗲 𝗦𝗸𝗶𝗽🐺✨

Now that I'm in the city walking to a hero school called UA. I forgot I was still in my wolf form, so most people ran away from me and some even climbed up the street polls to avoid me.

I finally reached to Ua and jumped over the wall to not trigger the alarm. When I was walking all the students ran away from me in the halls and some even went in their lockers.

It was a bit funny seeing their  shocked and scared faces. I tried all of them when I finally reached a huge door labelled Class 1A.

So I nudged the door with my nose and went in and sat by the black board at the front. All the people in the class screamed and went to hide in the farthest corner of the room.

And I just layed there waiting for Y/n to come to class.

Me and Kaminari went into the class and the first thing we noticed was all of our friends and classmates in a corner.

Looking terrified and there was Bakugo at his deck but he was also  a bit nervous and he would never admit that.

I then heard Denki scream in my ear and hold onto me, while I just looked confused.

Denki then screamed "WOLFFF!!!" And I got excited and saw Felix waking up from the loud noise.

"Felix!" I yelled happily and hugged him. "I'm so sorry for leaving without telling you! I overslept and got late!" I said while hugging him and he communicated through his mind.

'I knew that was your reason that's why I came here. Also, I'm hungry.' He said and pouted.

'OMG, I'm so sorry!" I teleported a pack of his fav treats under my jacket and pulled it out and fed him.

While the class had shocked expressions. "That wolf is yours Y/n-Chan?!" Uraraka-Chan yelled and she got a laugh from me as a response.

"Everyone meet Felix, my pet." I said and smiled.


Yay another chapter finsihed!
I don't have anything else to say so bye!

Have a good day/night, see you <3

:- Author-Chan

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