chapter 2 - feelings

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Monday, August 8th, 1987.
---- 2:01PM

Ever since Friday, I was so overly confused about my feelings, steven and danielle became my guides.

We were all sitting in their hotel room, more like Danielle's hotel room, explaining the feelings of me and Duff.

"Listen, girl, you've known him for years! It was a bond to happen sooner or later!" Danielle was consistent about that, steven always agreeing.

"Gotta give it to duff, if I was him I would've banged you," steven admits, "amen, brother!" Slash agrees while strumming his guitar.

Oh yeah, slash was here, too.

He did get a blow friday, by the way.

"Thank you?" I slightly ask confused, I mean, what did I say to that? Was it a compliment?

Steven nods, and Slash puts a thumbs up, danielle clearing her throat to grab the attention of us.

"Back to the topic," she fixs her hair before going on, "duff has feelings for you and he knows it, he's said it, sorta, but you know you can pass up what you've had for these years, it's almost as strong of a bond as me and you have and we've known eachother since we were in middle schoo," she goes on.

"Listen I'm not good with girl stuff etheir," Steve clears his throat, "but I do know what love should or does or will look like, like it should," steven stumbles on his words, "wait wrong wording,"

"What steven was trying to say," slash takes his turn to clear his throat, "love should look like what you and duff have, the bond of bonding over years and years of friendship, spending hours together, days, weeks, months" slash sits up from slouching on the couch, "there's nothing anybody could replace from you to, duff has a little flicker in his eyes when he talks about you, your his drug.. his vodka almost,"

"That shit was deep slash, I look at him. He's never said something so in detail like that before.

"I read about love, I've seen what it should and shouldn't look like," he shrugs, focusing on his guitar. "To get this in the air, he has said, he's personally said this,"-"You're his drug, he can never stop thinking about."

"Since when do you listen to him, or anyone for that matter," danielle asks, turning to slash.

He looks up offended, or what it looks like from his mountain of hair.

"I listen. I just don't reply," slash scoffs, "sometimes I wish I didn't or didn't see things." Slash looks straight at me.

"Huh?" I look at him confused, "Are you referring to me?"

He nodded, "Don't think I didn't hear or uh, see what you and Duff did on the bus when that sex scene came on."

I gasp, and my hand flies to my mouth, my eyes wide in embarrassment, "don't tell me you saw -"

"I saw everything."

"I don't know what you're saying, but I'm using it as blackmail," danielle says, smiling widley.

"She got pleasure on the bus," steven says, getting what slash was saying.

"Danielle, I have black mail on you," I signal to slash, danielle was shocked at what steven said but also annoyed with what I said.

"Far enough," she shrugs, going back to ger regular face.

Many, many, MANY hours of talking, laughing, slight crying, attitude, frustration, and finally, RELIEF.

I have figured out my verdict.

I was just horny.

Nah I'm just fuckkng with you, I actually fucking liked duff, slash said I literally loved him.

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