chapter 2, page 1.

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Tuesday, August 9th, 1987.
.... 2:01PM

I woke up to soft snoring and an arm around me, along with snickering in the background.

Goddamit danielle and Steven.

"Aw, should we wake them?"
"Yes, stupid! That's why we're here!"
"You're to fucking loud."

And slash.

"Slash is right," I mumble, still having my eyes closed.

"I mother fucking told you!" I hear slash hit Steven on the back of the head.

"Ow fuck! It was danielle to"! Steven says.

"I can't hit girls," slash says.

"You slapped my ass on the way here," danielle says, probably looking at him like he's stupid.

I look up at him werid, "Don't look at me, werid! You know you would've to steven, rose!" He crosses yes arms and defends himself.

I sigh and lay my head back, closing my eyes, but all of a sudden, I feel an arm go off me and hear Steven, slash and danielle yell, "Ow!"

I feel like arm wrap back around me, and I look up, seeing a hanger and pillow got thrown at them.

"Fucker," slash mumbles, fixing his hair, "fucking asshat," danielle mumbles fixing hers.

"We have to get to the gig soon," was the first thing Steven says, obviously not bothered by it one bit.

"Go run me a mile," duff mumbles.

"Haha no!" Steven smiles, walking over to duffs side of the bed, "definitely not, I hate running."

"You touch me your dead," duff muffles into the pillow, eyes closed and not even looking at steven.

"How did you know?" Steven looks down at duff surprised, looking like he's trying to figure out how he knew.

"My eyes are closed not my ears."

Steven looks at duff werid and nodds.

"I'll get him up, just go we will meet you down in uh-" I look at them, waiting for a time.

"30-45 minutes," slash says.

I nodd, "now out, though."

Danielle nodds, going to the door slash and Steven doing the same and shutting it behind them.

"30 minutes to sleep," duff smiles, pulling me in.

"No, gotta get up," I say, taking his arm off of me, "we don't have time to sleep."

Duff groans, rolling onto his back, "I was sleeping so good though."

"Sucks, sucks being a rockstar," I shrug, pulling up the covers to get out of bed.

"Rockstars are late all the time! I'd call it fashionably late!" Duff finally opens his eyes.

"You're not axl, duff," I look at him like he's stupid, "by the time I'm out of the shower you better be up and getting ready."

"Or else?" He asks.

"I'm taking your damn cigarettes and liquor," I shoot back at him, grabbing my clothes.

He puts his head back on the pillow, sighing into it.

I go to the bathroom to shower, a nice good shower that was quick, like 15-20 minutes quick and easy.

I got my make up down, hair looking good and everything.

I was checking in the mirror to make sure my outfit looked good; a black long sleeve button up with rolled up sleeves, a black tight-fit tink top under, almost whiteish-blue jeans that were ripped up and black shoes.

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