chapter 2 - page 6.

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Wednesdsy, October 31st, 1987.

My mom's cancer was getting worse, the treatment wasn't working, and her legs slowly had been causing her pain from the als.

The last two months touring have awesome, tiring but Aweseome.

Duff and I still aren't dating, but we have been closer than ever, izzy and roxy have been taking it off as well.

"Bye dad, can't wait to see you next month!"

It sucked being so far away from my dad and mom, mostly because of her sickness and everything.

They had moved to Seattle to be closer to my brother and his family, and my sister had been in college up there too, so it just worked out.

Coming home for holidays will be easy for me and duff since they live close to the same area.

The line went dead with my parents, and a loud sigh came out of me as I hung the phone up, duff chuckling at me.

I jump face-down on the bed, and Duff pats my back.

"Not much better?"

I shake my head, "No."

He hums, "Sorry, Rose, but at least today is Halloween, the start of Christmas for you!"

I switch to lay on my back, my lips curving into a smile, "When midnight hits and the date is November 1st, it will be Christmas, Halloween needs it moment to."

He laughs at me, "So specific."

I nodded. "we have a show today, too! I'm definitely putting Halloween make-up on you for the party!"

He shoots his head at me, looking at with a 'hell no' expression.

"To hell with that idea!" He exclaims, "You're not putting anything on me! for a.. party?" He questioned.

"Yeah! Party after you guys perform at the bar down the street!" I say, pointing to the side that it's on, "danielle told the guys."

"To busy lookin' at you," he smiles, crashing on top of me.

"Duff, that's sweet, but you know.." I run my hands through his hair, "You're not a light person. You're sorta crushing me."

He shrugs, hugging more into me, his face in the crook of my neck, pressing light kisses into it.

"Duff, you know what you remind me off?" I ask, moving his hair around.

"Whadda, I remind you of, baby?" He asks, lifting his head up to rest his chin on my chest, Inches away from my face.

"A giraffe."

His mouth drops, offended, while I burst out laughing, hugging him while I laugh my ass off.

"That's not even that funny! What the hell rose!" He said, shocked, silent hurt in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, duff! I didn't actually mean it," I dry down my laughs, cupping his face.

"No, you already said it! Am I at least a good-looking giraffe?"

"Abso-fucking-lutely! Never thought you'd actually ask that question, though." I laugh, moving hair that was in his face away.

"Why wouldn't I ask that question?" He laughs, making eye contact with me.

"I dunno," I shrug, rubbing his face with my thumbs.

He looks at me confused, his eyebrows furrowing together, "why are you rubbing my face?"

"What if I go blind one day? I gotta memorize what you look like."

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