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It had been a week since Maria had saved Moonacre valley from eternal darkness. She loved her life. She had lessons from Ms. Heliotrope, she would play in the woods with Wrolf, and she would have the most magical time playing the piano. Oh how she loved her life.
"Maria," Benjamin said trying to get the young girl's attention. The were having a wonderful breakfast. "Yes Uncle?" Maria answered. "I was talking to Ms. Heliotrope and we were thinking that it would be best if you finished your schooling in London." Maria's eyes widened at the thought. "What!" She exclaimed. "Ms. Heliotrope is a fine teacher!"

"Oh no dear," Ms. Heliotrope chimed in. "It's just that I'm getting old and you won't be able to have the opportunities that most children have if you stay here." Maria held back tears in her eyes.

"We just want the best for you," Ben assured his niece. "We want you to have a good education."

"As much as I love teaching you darling," Ms. Hello trope started. "It would truly be best if you went to London."

Maria knew there wasn't anything she could say to change their minds. They were right.

"What is the name of the school I will be attending?" Maria asked.

Benjamin smiled. "It is known as Goldwash Boarding School." "We will visit often and you will be able to be home for the holidays and other family events."

"At least I will be able to see you all regularly," Maria said.
Three Weeks Later
Maria was standing outside of her home with friends and family lining her path to the carriage. Even some of the De Noirs came to bid her farewell.

She started down the path first saying her goodbyes to Coeur and Robin De Noir. "Farewell Moon Princess," Coeur said with a bow. Maria curtsied in return. "Goodbye princess," Robin said holding out his hand. "Goodbye," Maria replied shaking his hand.

Next was Digweed and Marmaduke. "Goodbye Maria," Marmaduke whispered as the two embraced. "I will miss you both so much," she said as she let go to hug Digweed.

She followed the path to say goodbye to Ms. Heliotrope. "Goodbye darling!" Ms. Heliotrope cried as she surrounded the girl with a hug. "Goodbye Ms. Heliotrope, I will miss you so much!" Maria said holding back tears.

And then there was Benjamin and Loveday. She gave the two of them the biggest hug. "Be careful Maria," Ben said. Maria nodded. As they let go Loveday placed her hands on Maria's shoulders. "Be the brave and courageous woman I know you are, Maria," Loveday said. The two hugged one more time before she entered her carriage.

As she rode off she looked back waving at her family. And they waved back, Ms. Heliotrope was even running after the carriage. Maria watched through the window of her carriage until she could no longer she Moonacre Valley.

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