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~Anaris; 13 years Old ~

"Better Wolf, better but still dead" Syrio's sword smacked Anaris in the ribs and she almost doubled over in pain, while she had enjoyed her last few weeks of learning how to Water dance she would give anything to knock this man into the hard ground of Dorne's fighting ring, she huffed and rubbed her sore ribs gingerly, that was going to bruise "again" he demanded, her skin heated and she felt like she might collapse due to the heat but she stood her ground and narrowed her eyes minutely as she watched him carefully, when he moved to strike her she was already away from his sword, she'd never moved so fast and her head was spinning because Syrio looked surprised that she had evaded him, using that moment to her advantage she made a kill move and grinned when her wooden sword hit the backs of his knees making him stumble.

"Dead" she proclaimed as she held her sword against the back of his head with a wide grin, she moved away from him when clapping startled her and a man wearing orange robes came out of the shadows of one of the trees in the Water Gardens.

"You're a fast learner Wolf" the man said as he came closer "very fast indeed," She recognised him immediately as Oberyn Martell, brother to Prince Doran Martell, he was nicknamed the 'Red Viper' because he was fast and lethal which caused her to tense, if he wanted to hurt her no one would stop him, here she was practically the enemy.

"Thank you, Prince Oberyn" she curtsied, the movement was stiff thanks to the leathers she was wearing "but I cannot take the credit, I have a good teacher" she side eyed Syrio who was watching Oberyn carefully.

"Gracious as well," Oberyn commented as he swiftly took the sword from her loose grip and swung it into an arch "shall we test you?" He went to hit her but she dodged the strike as quickly as she could, he went to an easy stance and gestured to Syrio "well come dancing master let's see what she's capable of" with a stiff nod Syrio threw the sword to her waiting hand and she moved to a similar stance as Oberyn, she slowed her breathing and focused on his body, watching as the muscles of his legs coiled and he went to strike her again.

She raised her sword and blocked his hit before shoving him away and manoeuvring away from him once more, he wasn't giving her any chances and he immediately changed the way he moved, he went to swipe her again this time showing her why he had the name Red Viper and in a second she'd blinked and was flat on her back coughing and gagging as she tired to drag air into her bruised lungs she went to stand but Oberyn was already on her his foot on her sore chest and his wooden sword pointing at her face "I yield" she said as he just stared down at her.

"Tell me Wolf, did you Lord father tell you what they did to my sister?" When she nodded he relented and let her stand, "in Dorne we do not hurt little girls, not like the shit hole they call a Capital" he touched the graze on her cheek gently and his face softened "you look like your aunt Lyanna" he handed Syrio back his sword and grinned at her "we'll make a fighter of you yet, Wolf" he winked and turned to leave when Anaris spoke up.

"Can we spar again sometime, Prince Oberyn?" When he looked back she smiled timidly "I read you fight with a spear and I'd like to learn as well" his face split into a grin.

"I'll be training 3 of my daughters tomorrow, you're welcome to join us, we'll be here" he nodded and took his leave.

"Wolf" Syrio's voice demanded her attention and when she looked over and saw his face twisted in concern she was immediately tense once more "careful of those Sand Snakes, they take more after their father then people know" she hesitated for a moment but nodded in understanding.

~ Anaris; 14 years old ~

Anaris would be leaving for the North in a fortnight and she wasn't ready to leave, Dorne was beautiful, the people were friendly, and while at first Oberyn, Ellaria and their children were brutal with her she'd now earned their trust and companionship, she had been in awe of Oberyn and his family they were fierce fighters and were even fiercer when it came to one another.

"You think too much Wolf" Tyene Sand, one of Oberyn's daughters said as she flicked a date at Anaris who was busy staring into one of the many ponds of the Water Gardens, Anaris didn't hesitate to throw it back at the girl who was only 3 years her senior.

"I thought you liked it better when I didn't speak, Ty" Anaris replied with an easy smile, a year ago she wouldn't have said a thing in response to the teasing.

Tyene snorted and shoved Anaris gently, "I still do" she winked and they lapsed back into silence.

~~ A fortnight later ~~

"Thank you for your hospitality, Prince Doran" Anaris curtsied and Doran laughed before pulling her into a warm embrace, he'd grown fond of the Stark girl and while he had been hesitant to open his home to her he was happy that he did.

"You're welcome back anytime, Lady Anaris" he bowed slightly and winked at her before Oberyn edged his brother out of the way and pulled Anaris into a tight bear hug that she'd grown used to.

"Don't be a stranger, Ris" he said into her hair and he placed a kiss onto her head, "beat them into the dirt" his winked and gave her an easy smile before she turned to jump into the small row boat that Jory and Ser Rodrik were both sitting in waiting for her.

She stopped before she could get in and turned back to her dancing master, without much thought of how he'd react she ran at him and pulled him into a tight hug which he returned "thank you, Syrio" she pulled away and smiled tearily at him.

"What do we say to the God of Death, Wolf?" He asked her quietly.

"Not today" she replied making him crack a small smile, he turned her gently and pushed her towards the boat, Oberyn chuckled, he knew she was ready to face whatever the world was going to throw at her he just hoped that they would see one another again.

The Lone Wolf (Lion's Wolf Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now