Chapter 9 ~ The Laws of Gods and Men ~

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I sat with the other high lords and ladies, Tommen sat on the throne while the Lords and ladies whispered amongst themselves, I met Oberyn's eyes and he sent me a small smile, he glanced down at my swollen belly and raised an eyebrow at the dress i was wearing, the armour i usually wore no longer fit across my belly, I was completely unprotected from things now and for the first time I felt like i was vulnerable.

I wrung my hands as Jaime and Tyrion entered the throne room, Tyrion was washed and dressed in clean clothes and his shackles were almost as menacing as the two Kingsguard that flanked him and Jaime, they weren't there for Tyrion's protection apparently they were there for the protection of the Lords and Ladies

"Kingslayer!" A lord yelled from the other side of the throne room, Tyrion tensed at the name but continued on without hesitation.

The Kingsguard shackled him to the accused dais in front of the Iron throne where Tommen sat with Tywin at his side, Jaime stepped away from the dais and Tommen stood, everyone else in the room followed his lead including Cersei.

Tommen spoke to the room, his voice wavered slightly "I, Tommen of the House Baratheon, First of my Name, King of the Andals and the First Men, and Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, do hereby recuse myself from this trial" he gestured to his grandfather who stood next to him like he was one of the swords that made the throne "Tywin of the House Lannister, Hand of the King, Protector of the Realm, will sit as judge in my stead," he gestured to the other men who sat as judges "And with him Prince Oberyn of the House Martell and Lord Mace of the House Tyrell. And if found guilty... may the gods punish the accused" he swallowed harshly before standing and leaving the room as fast as he could, passing his uncles as he went with several Kingsguards with him.

When Tommen was clear of the room everyone sat, with the exception of Tyrion and Jaime who stood guard, his hand on his sword "Tyrion of the House Lannister, you stand accused by the Queen Regent of regicide" Tywin spoke with authority, making men sit taller like they were on trial "Did you kill King Joffrey?"

"No" Tyrion said with a bored tone, he stared at his father with an expression that i would describe as deeply irritated, even from my seat i could plainly see his expression.

"Did your wife, the Lady Sansa?" Tywin asked, I tensed when I felt eyes on me from across the room and a high born lady who sat next to me shifted away like I was some plague carrier.

"Not that I know of" Tyrion muttered loud enough for his father to hear him

"How would you say he died, then?" Tywin asked, my eyes rolling with how stupid the direction of questioning was going.

"Choked on his pigeon pie" Tyrion snapped back, he was also done with this line of questions.

"So you would blame the bakers?" Tywin asked and the men in the room shifted, Mace Tyrell looked ready to jump up and defend his choice of baker for the pie.

"Or the pigeons. Just leave me out of it" Tyrion said, I met Jaime's gaze from across his brothers head and I gave him a minute shrug, Joffery had made more then enough people angry at him for being a shit so the line of suspects should be out the Throne Room door.

"The crown may call its first witness" Tywin nodded to a squire who ran to the door where the small council room was and Meryn Trant stepped out making me sigh deeply, this man likes hearing his own voice so we'll be here for a while.


I removed my shoes and wriggled my feet sighing at the feeling of the pain I had been feeling easing into a dull throb, I rolled my head on my shoulder as a knock sounded on the door, "who is it?" I yelled out, not really in the mood for a visitor.

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