Chapter 7 ~ Oathkeeper Part 2 ~

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Third Person Point of View:

Jaime was seething, Anaris had come into their chambers with a look on concern etched on her face, Oberyn Martell was close behind but stayed by the door to make sure she'd be safe.

Jaime wasn't angry at the Viper for keeping his wife safe he was angry because his twin sister, the woman he had once loved more than anyone else in the world had thought about killing his unborn child, his redemption and now she summoned him to her chambers like he was a dog, he clenched his fist and steadied his breath, Anaris had already scared Cersei away from her this afternoon but Jaime was not going to let this moment slide, he'd see his sister and then his father, he had to make sure that Ris had all the protection he could get her.

He raised his hand and knocked on Cersei's door and waited, she didn't call him to enter but he did anyway not caring what she was doing in the privacy of her room, "You sent for me, Your Grace?" He asked as he closed the door, he watched as his sister sipped her wine slowly, she didn't look at him and it was a slap in the face.

"Your Grace," she chuckled hollowly, she sat her cup on her writing desk and looked at him, there was no emotion in her face "How formal of you. How many Kingsguards are posted outside Tommen's door?" She asked and he straightened, watching her like she was about to attack at any moment.

"Ser Boros is on duty tonight. Tomorrow I believe..." Jaime was cut off from speaking.

"So one? You have one man guarding the future king?" She scoffed at him and looked back at her wine glass.

"I promise you Tommen's safe. We're protecting him" Jaime said with gritted teeth, his patience was wearing thin, he didn't want to be in the room alone with his sister, he didn't trust her anymore.

"The way you protected Joffrey?" She laughed bitterly before she stood and walked towards him, her eyes held such cold anger Jaime barely recognised her "Why did Catelyn Stark set you free?" She spat the name out through her teeth like it was a curse.


"I've been wondering for months. Ever since that great cow brought you and your precious little wife back to the capital" she spat the word out again and Jaime tensed, "Why did she set you free?"

"You know why, She'd hoped Anaris and I would send her daughters back to her" he thought of the last time he'd seen Catelyn, alone in the darkness of the Stark camp surrounded by men who would've killed her for releasing him and Anaris, she was crying, terrified that it would be the last time she'd see her eldest daughter, he mentality flinched at the image.

"She hoped or did you promise?"

"I swore by all the gods that if her daughters were alive, I'd return them to her" Jaime said after a moment, he composed himself, thinking of Anaris, in their chamber curled up with Storm on their bed.

"So you made a sacred vow to the enemy" she scoffed and Jaime stepped to her but stopped short.

"I wanted to get my wife and myself to safety" he glared at her as he said the words and she shrunk away for a moment but she was not a woman to back down from an argument "Should I have told her to fuck off?"

"You didn't mean it, then? You have no loyalty to Catelyn Stark?" She tried to stand taller then him but fell short by inches, he glared down at her.

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