Chapter 8 ~ First of His Name ~

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I stood with Cersei and Tywin as Tommen was being crowned, the two lions crowded me when I walked into the throne room, Tywin eyed my belly like he would a juicy piece of meat, Cersei was still edgy around me after our encounter, Jaime told me that Tywin had a very long conversation with her about the situation and that she was not happy about the fact that the guards that shadowed me wouldn't let her into our chambers no matter how much she threatened and demanded to see me they refused.

The High Septon placed Tommen's horned crown on his head "long may he reign" I spoke with every other high lord and lady in the throne room, Tommen looked nervous but as his eyes sort out his mothers he found mine instead, I smiled at him and nodded slightly, letting him know that he had done well, he smiled back making me glimpse that little bit of Jaime that was in him.

"We need to speak" Cersei said as Tommen took his place on the Iron Throne and the lords stepped up to pledge their loyalty.

"No we don't, you've made it clear what you think of me and my child," I looked at her and found her eyes pleading with me, she looked sorry but I wasn't a fool "I stand with you out of curtesy for our family name, because you are my husbands sister, you were my close friend" she shuffled her feet, "I am not your enemy Cersei and neither is my child, but I will be if you continue with your path" I brushed passed her and joined the line that was forming, people allowed me through, most ladies smiled when they saw my bump.

"Lady Anaris" Tommen spoke when I walked to the last step of the throne, "you do not need to swear loyalty to me," I laughed lightly and shook my head slightly.

I dipped into a curtsy as low as I could and kept my eyes on him "you'll be a fantastic king, but I do need to follow the rules" I said making him snicker because he knew I wasn't one to really follow them, I spoke the words that others had, pledging my allegiance to him before I got up and went to walk away.

"Lady Anaris" he called as he stood and held out his hand, i made my way back and took it gently "thank you for your words" his eyes watered but I waved my hand.

"You deserve more then words your grace" I squeezed his fingers and went to find Jaime who was busy glaring at Meryn Trant, who was walking around like a prized chicken, he strutted through the crowd with a smirk on his face "if you keep staring people might start to think you're in love" I said quietly as I swiped a cup of water off a servant "I must say I think I would be jealous"

Jaime turned his head and scoffed at me "you're jealous of no one," he stepped forward and brushed his hand against my belly, "you're look like you're glowing" he muttered as he brushed a kiss over my cheek.

"Careful Ser Jaime, I may have to find a secluded place and have my way with you" I whispered making him grin against my cheek.

"How can I say no to a thought like that" he mumbled back, he went to kiss my lips but stoped when a throat cleared next to us and we turned to find Cersei standing near, "can I help you sister?"

"Can we speak? Alone" she looked over my shoulder at Ser Saltcliffe and Alix Swyft who were my guards, both men edged closer, they knew what Cersei had done, they endured her demands to see me.

I sighed deeply but gasped as I felt movement, I touched my belly as Jaime in a panic did the same thinking something was wrong, 4 months, Qyburn had been right once more, my belly had ballooned and now I was feeling the babe move "what is it?" Both of Jaime's hands were on my belly when the next movement happened, he'd snapped his hands back to his body as if he'd been stuck before hesitantly he placed them back where he'd felt the kick.

I glanced at Cersei who was staring at my belly her hand out stretched slightly like she wanted more then anything to be apart of the moment, when the movement happened again I grabbed her hand and placed it on my belly, and waited, sure enough she cracked a smile when the babe kicked at her hand "hello little one, I'm your aunt" she spoke softly, her eyes welled with tears as she looked at me, she cleared her throat and moved away "I apologise" she left without another word leaving Jaime and I in almost stunned silence.

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