Chapter 1 ~ Two Swords ~

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I walked through the Red Keeps gardens by myself, my handmaiden Graycie had been killed during my fathers arrest when she tried to help Sansa escape, I hadn't found a replacement that I felt comfortable with like I had with Graycie so I refused to get another, I could dress myself easily and Sansa was more then happy to do my hair.

A throat cleared to my left and I spun with my dagger out, only to be met with Ser Loras Tyrell who had apparently come to save Kings Landing with his fathers men at his back before he and his sister proposed to have the King marry her instead of Sansa, my trust for him was about as long as the hair on Varys' head "no" I said shutting down his request before he could make it.

"My grandmother wishes to see you in the rose gardens, I'm here to escort you" he held out his arm for me to take but I scoffed and walked towards the Rose Gardens.

"Tell me Loras was Renly even cold when you turned tail and decided to become Tywin's puppet or were you a little bit loyal?" I glanced to see him slack jawed before he righted himself.

"I did what I had to do to save my sister" he glared at me "you can't say the same for your siblings, down to one aren't you?" I almost went to slap him but an older woman's voice stopped me in my tracks.

"Ah the Lion's wolf is here" a woman dressed in a gown that had roses embroidered on it stood at a small table that held some food and tea, Lady Olenna, while older, still was as beautiful as the stories had told, her eyes took me in and I felt like I was a small child being inspected by a Septa.

"The Queen of Thorns" I replied as I curtsied before turning to Loras who was smirking at me "leave us Ser Loras, the adults need to speak freely" he scoffed and left in a huff while Lady Olenna chuckled.

"As fiesty as my grandchildren say" she gestured for me to sit and I did as elegantly as I could.

"More so" I told her causing her to laugh again, "what did you need to see me about Lady Olenna?"

"Straight to the point, I'm sure you're aware that my granddaughter is marrying the King" i raised an eyebrow and nodded, it was hard to not notice, the castle was in a flurry of preparation for the royal wedding "many Nobel houses are coming to the wedding, including those from Dorne, I'm aware that you trained in Sunspear, and know many of their great lords and ladies, including Prince Doran"

"I wasn't aware that my training was common knowledge" I looked at her pointedly "what does my relationship with Prince Doran have to do with the wedding?"

"The Dornish houses are hostile at best to the great houses, including your own husbands, I'd like you to make them feel welcome" she waved her hand dismissively and my nose twitched.

"You want me to make them play nice" I scoffed and shook my head, "I don't know what your grandson Loras has told you, lady Olenna, but I don't take orders, the Dornish aren't savages, they won't be an issue, the other Nobel houses on the other hand.." I let my sentence hang before I stood "enjoy the rest of your afternoon" I curtsied and left the gardens.

~ Days Later ~

"Lady Anaris" Termond Gargalen called from down the corridor as he and the rest of the Dornish houses came towards me, "you look radiant as always" his Dornish accent was like honey, and I smacked his chest gently.

"You're as big of a flirt as ever Lord Gargalen, I'll have you know I'm a married woman now" he winked at me anyway and I rolled my eyes before turning to the other Dornish men and women "welcome to the Capital" I looked for Prince Doran or even Sunspear's sigil but couldn't find it "where's Prince Doran?"

"The Prince has the Kings Decease" Termond shock his head sadly, "he's decided to stay in Sunspear and send his brother in his stead" I swallowed my surprise, not that Doran would send Oberyn but because he had what the Dornish called 'the Kings Decease' one too many rich meals some Maester's have said.

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